NASA to Explore Future Collaborations With State of Hawaii

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Mar. 7, 2007

Michael Mewhinney
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. 

RELEASE: 07-27


MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. - NASA officials announced Wednesday they have 
agreed to explore future collaborations with the state of Hawaii in 
commercial space initiatives and programs supporting research, 
education and workforce development. 

Under the terms of a memorandum of understanding signed today in 
Hawaii, NASA Ames Research Center will explore opportunities for 
future collaborations with the state of Hawaii in support of the 
Vision for Space Exploration, NASA's plan to return humans to the 
moon and later travel to Mars. 

"This agreement with the state of Hawaii is another exciting 
opportunity for NASA to work with a partner in support of the 
agency's exploration, science and aeronautics mission goals," said S. 
Pete Worden, director of NASA Ames Research Center. 

"We are excited to partner with NASA to collaborate on future space 
exploration," said Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle, who signed the agreement 
with Worden during a signing ceremony in the Executive Chambers at 
the Hawaii State Capitol. "We are looking forward to future 
collaborations with NASA to develop innovative opportunities in 
aerospace-related fields that capitalize on Hawaii's science and 
technology resources and capabilities." 

The agreement with the state of Hawaii was negotiated through NASA's 
Space Portal, a newly formed organization in NASA Research Park at 
Ames that seeks to engage new partnerships with NASA to promote the 
development of commercial space exploration. 

The memorandum of understanding will be in effect for two years and 
stipulates that neither NASA nor the state of Hawaii will be required 
to pay any fees or provide funds to support the areas of 

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