NASA Presents Quality Awards to Teledyne and Barrios

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Feb. 6, 2007

J.D. Harrington
Headquarters, Washington

RELEASE: 07-22


WASHINGTON - NASA presented its highest honor for quality and 
technical performance, the George M. Low Award, to two companies 
committed to innovative management, process quality and customer 
service. The awards, containing a medallion alloyed with material 
flown to the moon on Apollo 11, were presented Tuesday at NASA's 
fourth annual Project Management Challenge Conference in Galveston, 

Teledyne Brown Engineering, nominated by NASA's Marshall Space Flight 
Center, Huntsville, Ala., received the large business service award. 
Barrios Technologies, nominated by NASA's Johnson Space Center, 
Houston, received the small business service award. Three finalists 
also were acknowledged - Honeywell Technology Solutions Incorporated, 
Columbia, Md., Arcata Associates, Las Vegas, Nev., and Delaware North 
Companies Parks and Resorts, Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 

Senior managers and engineers from government and industry attend the 
Project Management Challenge Conference. The conference is a forum 
for NASA and its contractor partners to exchange ideas, success 
stories and lessons learned. It provides participants the opportunity 
to learn about quality management and improved communication 
practices to apply in their own organizations. 

Established in 1985, NASA's Excellence Award for Quality and 
Productivity recognizes those in the contractor community whose 
quality management practices can be a global benchmark for 
excellence. In 1990, the award was renamed in memory of George M. 
Low, an outstanding NASA leader who contributed greatly during his 27 
year tenure and was deputy administrator from 1969-1976. Low was a 
leader in the early development of NASA's space and manned space 
flight programs. 

For more information about the George M. Low Award, visit: 

For more information about George M. Low, visit:


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