Commercial Space Transportation Capabilities Agreements Signed

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Feb. 1, 2007

Beth Dickey/J. D. Harrington
Headquarters, Washington

Kelly Humphries
Johnson Space Center, Houston

RELEASE: 07-20


On Wednesday, NASA agreed to cooperate with PlanetSpace Inc. of 
Chicago and Transformational Space Corp. (t/Space) of Reston, Va., to 
facilitate the commercialization of low-Earth orbit as they develop 
capabilities to transport goods and people to orbital destinations. 

The non-reimbursable Space Act agreements signed by NASA and the two 
companies involve no agency funding to the companies. The pacts 
establish milestones and objective criteria by which the companies 
can gauge their own progress, as part of the agency's Commercial Crew 
and Cargo Program. 

Under the agreements, NASA will share information that will help the 
companies understand projected requirements for space station crew 
and cargo transportation launch vehicles, spacecraft and NASA human 
rating criteria. 

PlanetSpace and t/Space will work to develop and demonstrate the 
vehicles, systems and operations needed to transport crews and cargo 
to and from a low-Earth orbit destination. NASA will acknowledge the 
companies' milestone accomplishments. 

"NASA is proud to reach agreements with two more private companies 
dedicating their own resources toward establishment of a robust 
commercial launch industry," said Scott Horowitz, NASA associate 
administrator for Exploration Systems. "By stimulating the growth of 
commercial space enterprise, NASA will free itself to focus on 
long-range exploration of the moon and Mars." 

"The importance of these agreements is that they demonstrate the 
willingness of entrepreneurs to invest their own resources with 
NASA's commitment to help develop a whole new sector of the 
commercial space industry," said Alan Lindenmoyer, manager of the 
Commercial Crew and Cargo Program Office at Johnson Space Center, 

The program administers NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation 
Services project. Its overarching goals are to stimulate commercial 
enterprises in space; facilitate U.S. private industry development of 
reliable, cost-effective access to low-Earth orbit, and to create a 
market environment in which commercial space transportation services 
are available to government and private customers. 

Last year, NASA signed funded agreements with Space Exploration 
Technologies of El Segundo, Calif., and Rocketplane Kistler of 
Oklahoma City. t/Space was a finalist in that competition. 

Once industry has demonstrated safe and reliable capabilities, NASA 
plans to enter the next phase of the Commercial Crew and Cargo 
Program and may purchase transportation services from commercial 
providers to support the International Space Station. 

For more information on NASA, visit:


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