Space Station To Grow Faster, Mark Firsts Throughout Year

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Jan. 31, 2007

Katherine Trinidad
Headquarters, Washington 

James Hartsfield
Johnson Space Center, Houston

RELEASE: 07-19


HOUSTON - Already spanning an acre in orbit, the International Space 
Station this year will grow faster in size, power, volume and mass 
than ever before, significantly expanding its capabilities and 
setting new records for humans in orbit. 

"This will be a challenging but rewarding year for the station 
program," said Kirk Shireman, deputy program manager for the 
International Space Station. "The station's operations will grow both 
in orbit and on Earth. As we launch new international components this 
year, we also will begin new flight control operations from 
facilities around the world."

In addition to control centers in the United States, Russia and 
Canada, control centers for the station also will be activated in 
France, Germany and Japan, allowing NASA's partners to oversee their 
contributions to the station.

In 2007, NASA and Russia plan to conduct as many as 24 spacewalks, 
more than has ever been done in a single year. The first spacewalk 
began at 9:14 a.m. CST Wednesday, Jan. 31 on NASA TV and features 
Mike Lopez-Alegria, the commander of the current space station 
mission, known as Expedition 14.

By the end of Expedition 14 in April, Lopez-Alegria should lead all 
astronauts in the number of spacewalks and the amount of time spent 
spacewalking. After returning to Earth in July, Expedition 14 and 
Expedition 15 Flight Engineer Sunita Williams will hold the NASA 
astronaut record for longest time in space. Lopez-Alegria will have 
set that record just months earlier. Williams also will have 
completed the most spacewalks by a woman by the end of February. 

Also this year, the electricity generated and used on the station will 
more than double. By the end of 2007, the station's solar panels will 
extend to almost three-quarters of an acre of surface area. The extra 
power and cooling will allow the station's living and working space 
to expand by more than one-third. The complex will grow from its 
current size of a two-bedroom apartment to the size of a four-bedroom 
house by year's end. 

The laboratories aboard will triple, with the addition of the European 
Space Agency's Columbus lab and the Japanese Experiment Module Kibo. 
A shuttle mission targeted for October will deliver Columbus, while 
another mission targeted for December will carry Kibo. The additions 
will mark the first time the station's interior space has grown in 
more than six years.

The station's supply lines also will grow. A new European cargo 
vehicle, called the Automated Transfer Vehicle, is set to make its 
first trip to the station in July. Currently, only the space shuttle 
and Russian Progress cargo craft deliver supplies to the orbiting 

This also will be a year of unparalleled robotic operations. For the 
first time, the station's robotic arm will be used to assemble large, 
pressurized components without a shuttle present. In the fall, the 
Canadarm2 will be used to move mating adapters and a large connecting 
module, called Node 2, into place on the station. Node 2 will provide 
pathways for crew members, air, electricity and water to the new 
international laboratories. 

As the station breaks new ground in its use of robotics, its robotics 
system also will grow. On the same mission that delivers the first 
section of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Kibo lab, the 
Canadian Space Agency's Dextre robotic system will be delivered. 
Dextre, an almost human-shaped two-armed robotic system designed to 
work with Canadarm2, will add to the highly sophisticated robotics 
aboard the space station. Dextre will enable the robotics to perform 
even more intricate maintenance and servicing tasks, which previously 
would have required spacewalks. 

For information about the International Space Station, visit:


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