Incorporating Space into Our Economic Sphere of Influence

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Jan. 26, 2007

Michael D. Griffin
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
World Economic Forum

RELEASE: Speech Transcript


Good evening. Thank you for inviting me to speak tonight. It is not 
often that an aerospace engineer is invited to speak to an economic 
forum. However, I took a business degree along with my engineering 
and physics coursework, and I appreciate the economic impact that 
space has on our society, especially practical applications like 
communications, navigation, weather and remote sensing satellites as 
well as the economic, national security and scientific benefits. And 
this says nothing of the less-quantifiable benefits of intellectual 

Some of us gathered here tonight grew up during the Apollo era of the 
1960s, NASA's apotheosis. We watched science fiction movies and 
television shows that made us believe that we -- all of us and not 
simply a few astronauts -- could become space travelers. Arthur C. 
Clarke's and Stanley Kubrik's masterpiece of science fiction "2001: A 
Space Odyssey" projected onto the screen of our collective human 
consciousness a future for us where, by now, hundreds of people would 
be living and working in space stations orbiting the Earth and 
outposts would exist on our moon. We would be journeying to other 
planets in our solar system, just as our European forbears came to 
America looking for new beginnings. This space age vision of our 
future proved illusory for our generation for two fundamental 
reasons: the limitations of our economic resources and the 
limitations of technology. Neil Armstrong's "giant leap for mankind" 
was not a journey that could be sustained without a more concerted 
investment of time, resources and energy than followed his seminal 
achievement on July 20, 1969. 

But I believe that there are economic and technological reasons why we 
can now begin to afford and sustain this Vision for Space Exploration 
in a fashion where we "go-as-we-pay," and why the nations of the 
world making such investments of time, resources and energy will find 
that the benefits far outweigh the costs and risks involved. We have 
the technology and economic wherewithal to incorporate the benefits 
of space into our sphere of influence -- to exploit the vantage point 
of space and the space environment, and the natural resources of the 
moon, Mars, and near-Earth asteroids. Space exploration is not simply 
this century's greatest adventure; it is an imperative that, if not 
pursued with some concerted effort, will have catastrophic 
consequences for our society. I realize this is a bold statement, so 
allow me to explain. 

On the day before he was assassinated in Dallas, President John F. 
Kennedy was in San Antonio, where he spoke about space exploration. 
He invoked Irish writer Frank O'Connor, who told the story of "how, 
as a boy, he and his friends would make their way across the 
countryside, and when they came to an orchard wall that seemed too 
high, and too doubtful to try, and too difficult to permit their 
voyage to continue, they took off their hats and tossed them over the 
wall -- and then they had no choice but to follow them." The United 
States, the European Union, Russia, China, Japan, India, and others 
have tossed our caps over the wall of space exploration. 

In that same speech, President Kennedy recited several technical 
advances from NASA's space program, explaining that "our effort in 
space is not, as some have suggested, a competitor for the natural 
resources that we need to develop the Earth. It is a working partner 
and a co-producer of these resources." And he finished this speech 
with the recognition of the costs and risks involved with space 
exploration: "We will climb this wall with safety and with speed -- 
and we shall then explore the wonders on the other side." 

Even an emotionless engineer can be moved by President Kennedy's 
poetic framing of the issues of space exploration, but since this is 
an economic forum, let me now turn to the "dismal science." When 
President Kennedy spoke those words in 1963, the Gross Domestic 
Product of the United States was approximately $2.8 trillion, in 
FY2000 dollars. In 2005 it was approximately $11 trillion in those 
same FY2000 dollars -- four times larger. In 1963, the U.S. federal 
government spent approximately $600 billion, again in FY2000 dollars, 
with NASA's allocation representing 2.3 percent of that amount. At 
the spending peak of the Apollo program, NASA represented 4.4 percent 
of the federal budget. Today, with a U.S. federal budget of almost 
$2.5 trillion, NASA's budget represents about 0.6 percent of that. 

Clearly our economy has grown, our society has changed, and our 
priorities for government spending have changed since 1963. Thus, in 
the latter half of the 1960s and early 1970s, our nation's leadership 
decided that we should not sustain such a high percentage of 
investment in the space program. In these years, the priorities of 
the U.S. federal budget changed to accommodate the escalating costs 
of the war in Vietnam, defense spending for the Cold War, and Great 
Society programs. Today, the costs of the Global War on Terrorism, 
Hurricane Katrina recovery, Social Security, and Medicare/Medicaid 
dominate our federal government spending. The costs of our nation's 
entitlement programs alone are projected to double in the next 10 
years, from more than $1 trillion per year today to more than $2 
trillion per year, as the baby boomers like me begin to retire. By 
comparison, NASA's budget of $16.2 billion for this year is somewhere 
in the realm of what engineers call rounding error, at 0.6 percent of 
all federal spending. 

Because of the magnitude of these changes over the last four decades, 
it is important to view our nation's investment in our civil space 
and aeronautics research program from this larger economic 
perspective, because some critics have questioned the value 
proposition of even the current investment in NASA. I believe that we 
must recognize that the development of space is a strategic 
capability for our nations, and that we must bring the solar system 
into our economic sphere of influence. And equally, I believe that 
NASA must leverage the great economic engine of our nation and world. 
Thus, the companies and countries that many of you represent can take 
advantage of the trails we plan to blaze as we explore space, just as 
we leverage the capabilities you create. 

As a U.S. federal agency, NASA expects only inflationary growth in our 
annual budget. Thus, we have adopted a "go-as-we-pay" approach for 
space exploration, science missions and aeronautics research. Thus, 
the primary pacing item for new ventures is our nation's ability to 
afford such capabilities. 

Over the next three years, our highest priority is to complete 
assembly of the International Space Station and honor our agreements 
to our Russian, European, Japanese and Canadian partners in this 
venture. It will not be easy. The International Space Station is the 
world's greatest engineering project, akin to such feats as the Great 
Wall of China, the pyramids of Egypt, the Panama and Suez canals, or 
the sea walls of Venice. Friends of mine who worked on the Apollo 
program have conveyed to me their belief that the construction of the 
International Space Station is just as tough a job. 

There are many critics of this space station, just as there were 
critics of President Kennedy who called the Apollo program a 
"moondoggle." But I believe that the greatest achievement of the 
International Space Station partnership is the partnership itself, 
and that's a tough thing to criticize. For over six years, astronauts 
and cosmonauts have been living and working together onboard the 
space station. For the United States, the station is a national 
laboratory in space, where we will conduct research to make future 
exploration to other planets in our solar system possible. I hope 
this partnership will reap even greater dividends as we explore space 
together over many future generations. The unifying vision that 
forged this partnership during the 1990s, prompted by the 
Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission, is what we endeavor to carry forward 

Our partnership has endured some hardships along the way, not least of 
which was the Columbia accident. I hope and believe that those 
hardships have built stronger bonds between us. 

With the proper goals in mind, I believe the benefits of space 
exploration far outweigh the risks. Among the most practical of these 
is our work with hurricane-monitoring satellites, aircraft and 
sensors that allow meteorologists to track such storms and predict 
their severity and impact. Many people today do not even realize that 
their weather forecasts rely on information from space assets. 

Broader misconceptions exist. NASA spinoff technologies were never 
Tang, Teflon or space pens. But while we actually can cite tens of 
thousands of legitimate technology spinoffs, including medical 
devices, fuel cells and batteries and even cordless tools, I would 
like to discuss a more seminal point. I want people to realize the 
key areas where NASA's space endeavors have created entirely new 
industrial capabilities that improve our fundamental way of life. 

For example, NASA is one of the major consumers of liquid hydrogen to 
fuel our space shuttle and other rocket engines. Liquid hydrogen is 
also used in the manufacturing of metals, glass, electronics and even 
foods. When you hear the term "hydrogenated fats" applied to baked 
goods like pastries and bread, it means that liquid hydrogen was one 
of the ingredients. NASA is such a large consumer of liquid hydrogen 
that after Hurricane Katrina, we returned several hundred thousand 
gallons to the nation's reserve and delayed several space shuttle 
rocket engine tests to alleviate a national shortage when our 
nation's liquid hydrogen production facilities and supply lines were 
disrupted. Likewise, we are a major consumer of liquid oxygen. Our 
huge demand market for these propellants sparked fundmental 
improvements in the production and handling of these volatile 
substances. Today, the ready availability of liquid oxygen allows 
firefighters, emergency response teams and nursing homes to carry on 
their backs or in suitcases portable, hand-carried oxygen tanks. In 
the 1960s, only select hospitals could supply oxygen, in hazardous 
oxygen tents. 

I am sure that many of you would agree with me that the greatest 
revolution in our productivity and way of life has been the 
development of the personal computer, internet and various handheld 
communication devices. Thirty-five years ago, engineers like me used 
three pieces of wood and a piece of plastic that moved -- the slide 
rule -- to make calculations. Thirty years ago, 1,000 transistors 
could fit on a silicon chip; today, it's 100 million. The cost of 
such chips has dropped by a factor of 100,000. Few people know that 
the development of the first microprocessors was born of a 
competition between Fairchild and Intel in the 1960s, to build 
components small enough to fit in NASA spacecraft. This 
straightforward NASA technical requirement spawned a whole new 
industry that grew in ways few, except perhaps Gordon Moore, could 
predict. Necessity is the mother of invention, and I believe that we 
are at our most creative when we embark on bold ventures like the 
space program. 

So, with the economic growth and technology development we have seen 
since the 1960s, I believe that we are now entering a Renaissance 
period of space exploration where we can realize the vision that 
eluded us earlier. And as in the Renaissance, wealthy individuals 
will play a role in advancing the work of our architects, engineers 
and technicians. These will be entrepreneurs who have made their 
wealth in other endeavors -- Jeff Bezos from Amazon, Bob Bigelow from 
Budget Suites, Richard Branson from Virgin and Elon Musk of Paypal 
fame are examples. These gentlemen and others have put their personal 
time, resources and energy behind the notion that many more people 
can have personal experience in space than do so today. It is one 
thing to view pictures of Earth from the vantage point of space, even 
on an IMAX screen, but it is another thing entirely to see it with 
one's own eyes. Many friends of mine have spoken of the epiphany they 
experienced from this. 

But let me be clear. NASA's job is not to sponsor space travel for 
private citizens. That is for private industry. My hope is the 
reverse; that when the public can purchase rides into space, NASA can 
leverage this capability. Likewise, I hope that one day NASA can 
leverage the expertise of companies not unlike FedEx or UPS today, to 
meet our cargo needs for the space station and future lunar outposts. 
And one day, maybe, astronauts onboard our Orion crew exploration 
vehicle on their way to the moon and Mars can top off on liquid 
hydrogen from commercially available orbiting fuel stations. 

In the process of building these new space capabilities, these 
entrepreneurs, along with NASA and other companies, are hiring more 
aerospace engineers. I believe that a key measure of a society's 
economic growth is the extent to which we are educating a technically 
literate people who can build the infrastructure to advance that 
society. It is deeply troubling to me when education statistics for 
the United States indicate there are more bachelor's degrees in 
psychology being awarded than engineering degrees. I am sure that 
even the economics majors here can appreciate my concern! 

Again, NASA hopes to leverage, to the maximum extent possible, the 
capabilities that space entrepreneurs hope to create. A few years 
ago, when I was in the private sector working at InQTel, I helped 
fund a small software company seeking a better approach to 
visualizing satellite imagery. Over the years, that company grew into 
the backbone for Google Earth. Now, we hope to "spin-in" that 
capability to visualize imagery from other planets in our solar 
system, like the moon and Mars, using data from various NASA 
satellites and the Mars rovers. By invoking such commercial 
capabilities, NASA can leverage the funding of other investors to our 
mutual benefit. 

In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a final thought as to 
what might happen if we do not explore space, if we do not follow the 
cap we tossed over the wall in the 1960s. Last month in the journal 
Science, researchers examining the primordial material returned by 
NASA's Stardust space probe found that some of that material could 
not have come from the Kuiper Belt in the outer reaches of our solar 
system, but instead could only have come from our sun's core. Some of 
that material was even older than our own sun. The history of life on 
Earth is the history of extinction events, with evidence for some 
five major such events in the history of the Earth. The last of these 
occurred approximately 65 million years ago, when the dinosaurs that 
dominated the Earth for over 160 million years suffered a 
catastrophic extinction. It is believed that this event was caused by 
a giant asteroid which struck Earth in the Gulf of Mexico, triggering 
tsunamis, tectonic shifts and radically changing Earth's climate. 

The brief history of humans is next to nothing compared to the history 
of other life on Earth, and even less so compared to the age of our 
solar system or of the universe. Our species hasn't been around long 
enough to have experienced a cataclysmic extinction event. But they 
will occur, whether we are ready for them or not. 

In the end, space exploration is fundamentally about the survival of 
the species, about ensuring better odds for our survival through the 
promulgation of the human species. But as we do it, we will also 
ensure the prosperity of our species in the economic sense, in a 
thousand ways. Some of these we can foresee, and some we cannot. Who 
could claim that he or she would have envisioned the Boeing 777, 
after seeing the first Wright Flyer? And yet one followed the other 
in the blink of an historical eye. 

For this and many other economic and scientific reasons, we must 
explore what is on the other side of that wall, walk in the 
footprints of Neil Armstrong, and make that next giant leap for 

Thank you.


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