NASA Press Secretary Leaves for D.C. Communications Firm

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Dec. 11, 2006

David Mould
Headquarters, Washington 

RELEASE: 06-369


WASHINGTON - NASA Press Secretary and Deputy Assistant Administrator 
for Public Affairs Dean Acosta is leaving the agency to become a 
managing director at Qorvis Communications, LLC in Washington, 
effective Jan. 2. 

Acosta led NASA's public affairs and communications activities during 
one of its most challenging periods following the space shuttle 
Columbia accident in 2003.

"Dean has provided valuable guidance, strategy and leadership during 
his time at NASA," said Administrator Michael Griffin. "He has been 
an integral part of my team and provided a steady influence during a 
challenging time in this agency's history. Dean has done everything I 
have asked and more. He will be missed."

As part of the senior leadership team, Acosta served as chief 
spokesperson, press secretary and senior adviser to the NASA 
administrator and deputy administrator. He became deputy assistant 
administrator for public affairs in 2003 and added the title of press 
secretary in April 2005.

"My nearly four years of public service at NASA have been the most 
rewarding of my career," said Acosta. "It has been an honor to serve 
the President, represent America's space agency, and work with the 
best and most talented public affairs people in the business." 

Prior to arriving at NASA, Acosta spent 12 years as a television, 
radio and print journalist, earning an Emmy Award for investigative 
reporting. He has hosted his own radio show, written his own 
newspaper column and covered the energy industry in the United 
States, Russia, Japan, Brazil, Austria and England. 

Upon Acosta's departure, Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs 
David Mould will assume the additional duties of press secretary.

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