International Space Station Status Report: SS06-044

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Oct. 13, 2006

Grey Hautaluoma 
Headquarters, Washington 

James Hartsfield 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 



The International Space Station's Expedition 14 crew went for a short 
ride this week, performed maintenance and experiments aboard the 
growing outpost and celebrated one crew member's 100th day in space. 

Station Commander and NASA Science Officer Mike Lopez-Alegria and 
flight engineers Mikhail Tyurin and Thomas Reiter boarded their Soyuz 
spacecraft and flew it from one docking port to another. The 
relocation was a routine procedure conducted ahead of the launch and 
arrival of the next Progress supply ship, scheduled for later this 

With Tyurin at the controls on Tuesday, the Soyuz undocked from the 
aft position of the Zvezda module at 3:14 p.m. EDT and docked to the 
Zarya control module's Earth-facing docking port at 3:34 p.m. EDT. 

The 23rd Progress vehicle will launch Oct. 23 from the Baikonur 
Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. It will dock to the vacated Zvezda port 
three days later, delivering supplies to the crew. 

More than three weeks into a six-month stay, Lopez-Alegria and Tyurin 
are settling in to the routine of life in microgravity. They joined 
Reiter in celebrating his 100th day in space since his launch aboard 
the Space Shuttle Discovery July 4. Reiter, a European Space Agency 
astronaut, will return home aboard Discovery in December during the 
STS-116 mission. Discovery will bring NASA astronaut Suni Williams as 
Reiter's replacement to the station during that flight. 

Oxygen is being supplied in the station cabin by tanks on the outside 
of the U.S. Quest Airlock while an onboard Russian oxygen-generation 
system, called the Elektron, is not working. Additional parts to 
repair the Elektron are expected to be among the supplies arriving 
late this month on Progress. 

The station's orientation is being managed by three of the four 
electrically driven Control Moment Gyroscopes (CMGs). One gyroscope, 
designated CMG 3, was shut down after exhibiting intermittently high 
vibrations early Monday. Three gyros are sufficient to orient the 
station, and there has been no impact to the safety or operation of 
the station due to the shut down of CMG 3. 

Flight controllers are evaluating plans for CMG 3 and any changes that 
might be needed to assembly operations during the December mission of 
Space Shuttle Discovery. During that mission alternating systems on 
the station will be powered off as the complex is rewired to bring 
online new supplies of electricity from the recently added solar 
arrays. Steering jets could be used to control the station's 
orientation if needed as gyroscopes are powered down during those 

This week the crew also performed routine medical checks and took 
water samples while loading the docked Progress vehicle with unneeded 
items. Lopez-Alegria swapped a water separator in the Quest Airlock's 
Common Cabin Air Assembly to ensure a filter doesn't become clogged. 
The maintenance procedure was previously performed by the Expedition 
5 crew. 

The next status report will be issued Friday, Oct. 20. For more 
information about the crew's activities and station sighting 
opportunities, visit:


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