NASA's Spitzer Sees Day And Night On Exotic World

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Oct. 12, 2006

Erica Hupp/Dwayne Brown
Headquarters, Washington 

Whitney Clavin
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
RELEASE: 06-334


NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has made the first measurements of the 
day and night temperatures of a planet outside our solar system. The 
infrared observatory revealed that the Jupiter-like gas giant planet 
circling very close to its sun is always as hot as fire on one side, 
and potentially as cold as ice on the other.

"This planet has a giant hot spot in the hemisphere that faces the 
star," said Joe Harrington of the University of Central Florida, 
Orlando."The temperature difference between the day and night sides 
tells about how energy flows in the planet's atmosphere. Essentially, 
we're studying weather on an exotic planet." 

The finding represents the first time any kind of variation has been 
seen across the surface of an extrasolar planet, a planet beyond our 
solar system. Previous measurements of extrasolar planets described 
only global traits like size and mass. 

"This is a spectacular result," said Michael Werner, project scientist 
for Spitzer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. 
"When we designed Spitzer years ago, we did not anticipate that it 
would be revolutionizing extrasolar-planet science." 

The researchers used Spitzer to determine the temperature variation in 
the atmosphere of a nearby planet called Upsilon Andromedae b. This 
"hot-Jupiter" planet is a gas giant similar to Jupiter, but it orbits 
very close to its scorching star, circling the star once every 4.6 

Scientists believe the planet is tidally locked to its star. This 
means it is rotating slowly enough that the same side always faces 
the star, just as the same side of Earth's tidally locked moon always 
faces toward us, hiding its "dark side." However, since this planet 
is made of gas, its outer atmosphere could be circulating much faster 
than its interior. 

According to the astronomers, the observed temperature difference 
between the two sides of Upsilon Andromedae b is extreme -- about 
2,550 degrees Fahrenheit. Such a large temperature difference 
indicates the planet's atmosphere absorbs and reradiates sunlight so 
fast that gas circling around it cools off quickly. This is unlike 
Jupiter, which is even-temperatured all the way around.

"If you were moving across the planet from the night side to day side, 
the temperature jump would be equivalent to leaping into a volcano," 
said the project's principal investigator, Brad Hansen of the 
University of California, Los Angeles.

Spitzer used its heat-seeking infrared eyes to periodically stare at 
the Upsilon Andromedae planetary system over approximately five days. 
It found the system's infrared light, or heat, dimmed and brightened 
in time with Upsilon Andromedae b's orbit. This change in heat is the 
result of the planet showing its different faces to Spitzer as it 
traveled around the star. When the planet's sunlit side was in 
Earth's view, Spitzer detected more heat from the system; when its 
dark side was facing us, it picked up less heat. Upsilon Andromedae b 
does not cross behind or in front of its star, but is always in 
Earth's line of sight. 

Upsilon Andromedae b was discovered in 1996 around the star Upsilon 
Andromedae, which is 40 light-years away and visible to the naked eye 
at night in the constellation Andromeda. Upsilon Andromedae is 
circled by two other known planets located farther out than Upsilon 
Andromedae b. 

Harrington and Hansen are presenting their results today at the 38th 
meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American 
Astronomical Society in Pasadena, Calif. Harrington is lead author of 
a paper appearing online today in Science.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the Spitzer Space Telescope 
mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science 
operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at the 
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.

For graphics about this research and more information about Spitzer, 


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