NASA Selects 120 Small Business Innovation Research Projects

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Oct. 4, 2006

David E. Steitz/Sonja Alexander
Headquarters, Washington 

RELEASE: 06-325


NASA has selected 120 proposals for negotiation of phase 2 contract 
awards in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. The 
selected projects have a total value of approximately $72 million. 
The contracts will be awarded to 103 small high technology firms in 
27 states. 

The program is a competitive, three-phase award system. It provides 
qualified small businesses, including women-owned and disadvantaged 
firms, with opportunities to propose innovative ideas that meet 
specific research and development needs of the federal government. 

Phase 1 is a feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and 
technical merit of an idea. Awards are for up to six months in 
amounts up to $70,000. Phase 2 expands on the results on the 
development of phase 1. Awards are for up to two years in amounts up 
to $600,000. Phase 3 is for the commercialization of the results of 
phase 2 and requires the use of private sector or non-SBIR federal 
funding. These NASA awards are for the second-phase in this 
competitive process. 

Participating contractors submitted 280 phase 2 proposals. The 
criteria used to select the winning proposals included technical 
merit and innovation, phase 1 results, value to NASA, commercial 
potential, and company capabilities. 

The program is managed at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, 
Greenbelt, Md., with executive oversight by NASA Headquarters. 
Individual projects are managed by NASA's 10 field installations. 

For a list of selected companies, visit:  


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