NASA Ends One Chapter in Human Spaceflight, Prepares for the Next

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Sept. 29, 2006

Allard Beutel
Headquarters, Washington

Paul Foerman
Stennis Space Center, Miss.

June Malone
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.

RELEASE: 06-323


NASA is marking a historic moment in the life of the nation's largest 
rocket engine test complex. The Stennis Space Center conducted the 
final space shuttle main engine test on its A-1 Test Stand Friday. 
Although this ends the stand's work on the Space Shuttle Program, it 
will soon be used for the rocket that will carry America's next 
generation human spacecraft, Orion. 

The A-1 Test Stand was the site of the first test on a shuttle main 
engine in 1975. Stennis will continue testing shuttle main engines on 
its A-2 Test Stand through the end of the Space Shuttle Program in 

The A-1 stand begins a new chapter in its operational history in 
October. It will be temporarily decommissioned to convert it for 
testing the J-2X engine, which will power the upper stage of NASA's 
new crew launch vehicle, the Ares I. The J-2X will also power the 
Earth departure stage of the Ares V new cargo launch vehicle. The 
Ares I and V vehicles will provide the thrust, while the Orion crew 
capsule will be future astronauts' home in space. 

"This is truly an important milestone for Stennis," said Don 
Beckmeyer, space shuttle main engine project manager in the Test 
Projects Office of Stennis' Project Directorate. "As we transition 
the A-1 Test Stand from testing shuttle main engines to testing J-2X 
engines, we are entering into some exciting years ahead where our 
work force and the center as a whole will be key in the development 
of this new engine. Until the shuttle engines are retired in 2010, we 
will have two critical test programs running side by side." 

Beckmeyer and other engineers have praised the foresight of NASA's 
early management, whose vision still allows the rugged structures to 
meet current and future rocket engine testing needs. 

"Reaching these milestones is really a testament to the designers and 
builders of the test stands back in the 1960s," Beckmeyer said. "They 
were built to last, and their longevity and flexibility are key 
assets to the agency. We are about to embark on the third generation 
of rocket engines to be tested on A-1, and we fully expect this test 
stand to be instrumental in developing and certifying these engines 
for years to come." 

A-1 and its sister stand A-2 were built in the 1960s to test the 
stages of the Apollo Program's rocket engines, then modified in the 
1970s to test-fire and prove flight-worthy all main engines for 
NASA's space shuttle fleet. 

According to Beckmeyer and Gary Benton, Stennis' J-2X engine project 
manager, A-1 is set to be reactivated in the spring of 2007. 

The J-2X is a modification of the Apollo Program's J-2 engine, which 
helped send the first Americans to the moon. The original J-2s were 
also tested at Stennis. 

As the A-1 Test Stand moved into the shuttle era, it handled more than 
1,000 shuttle main engine tests, which have been crucial to the 
flight record of the orbiter's powerful engines. In the 116 launches 
logged by the shuttle fleet, no main engine has ever experienced a 
major problem. 

For more information about the Space Shuttle Program, visit: 

For information about the J-2X engines and Ares rockets, visit: 


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