NASA Honors America's First Flight Director Chris Kraft

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Sept. 21, 2006

Doc Mirelson/Dave Steitz
Headquarters, Washington



NASA will honor Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., for his key involvement in 
America's space programs with the presentation of the Ambassador of 
Exploration Award. The ceremony is at 10:30 a.m. EDT Saturday, Sept. 
30, in the Inn at Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, Va.

NASA is presenting the Ambassador of Exploration Award to the 
astronauts and other key individuals who participated in the Mercury, 
Gemini, and Apollo space programs for realizing America's vision of 
space exploration from 1961 to 1972.

Kraft originally joined the National Advisory Committee for 
Aeronautics, NASA's predecessor agency, in 1945. In 1958, he joined 
the newly created NASA as one of the original members of the Space 
Task Group organized to design and manage Project Mercury. He was 
America's first manned space mission flight director, managing all of 
the Mercury and several Gemini missions.

Kraft served as director of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston 
from January 1972 to August 1982. He was one of the designers and 
implementers of the Mission Control Center in Houston, the heart of 
all NASA crewed space missions. After his retirement from federal 
service in 1982, he served as an aerospace consultant for numerous 

The Ambassador of Exploration Award is a small sample of the 842 
pounds of the lunar material collected during the six Apollo moon 
landings from 1969 to 1972. The sample is encased in Lucite and 
mounted for public display. The material for Kraft's award came from 
the samples brought back by the crew of Apollo 11, the first to land 
on the moon in 1969.

Kraft's award will be displayed at Virginia Tech's College of 
Engineering. For College of Engineering and event information, 
contact Lynn Nystrom at: 540-231-4371; e-mail: tansy@xxxxxxx

For Kraft biographical information, visit:

Video from the event will air as a NASA TV Video File. For NASA TV 
streaming video, scheduling and digital downlink information visit:

For information about NASA and agency programs visit:


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