NASA Aims for Possible Shuttle Launch Attempt Friday

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Sept. 6, 2006

Tracy Young/Katherine Trinidad 
Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 

RELEASE: 06-400


NASA is targeting a possible launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis on 
Friday, Sept. 8 because of a problem associated with one of the 
spacecraft's electricity-producing fuel cells. Shuttle program 
managers at NASA's Kennedy Space Center decided Wednesday afternoon 
additional time was needed to evaluate fuel cell flight history and 
potential causes of the malfunction. 

Mission managers will hold another meeting Thursday at 1 p.m. EDT to 
assess the issue. There will be a news conference on NASA Television 
at the conclusion of that meeting. If the team decides to "go" for 
launch Friday, lift-off would be at 11:41 a.m. EDT. 

Tuesday night as ground teams were preparing for Atlantis' scheduled 
launch Wednesday, a voltage spike in the motor of Atlantis' fuel cell 
#1 coolant pump was observed during the activation of the shuttle's 
three fuel cells. The coolant pump flows Freon through the fuel cell 
to prevent it from overheating during flights. 

During Atlantis' mission, STS-115, astronauts will deliver and install 
a girder-like structure, known as the P3/P4 truss, aboard the 
station. The 35,000-pound piece includes a set of giant solar arrays, 
batteries and associated electronics. The arrays eventually will 
double the station's power capability. 

Atlantis' crew, Commander Brent Jett, Pilot Chris Ferguson and mission 
specialists Dan Burbank, Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper, Joe Tanner and 
Steve MacLean, a Canadian Space Agency astronaut, will remain at 
Kennedy Space Center while the fuel cell evaluation continues. 

For the latest information about the STS-115 mission and its crew and 
more information about space shuttle fuel cells, visit:


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