NASA Awards Launch Services for Lunar Mission

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July 28, 2006

Grey Hautaluoma
Headquarters, Washington

George H. Diller
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.



NASA announced today the award of launch services for the Lunar 
Reconnaissance Orbiter mission to Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch 
Services Inc. of Littleton, Colo. The total cost of launch services 
for NASA, which includes spacecraft processing, and associated 
mission integration services such as telemetry support and 
mission-unique items is $136.2 million dollars. 

The spacecraft are scheduled for launch aboard an Atlas V 401 rocket 
from Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station during a launch 
window that opens on Oct. 31, 2008. The launch service was awarded in 
support of the NASA Launch Services Program office at NASA's Kennedy 
Space Center, Fla. 

The orbiter will spend a year mapping the moon from an average 
altitude of approximately 30 miles. It will carry six instruments and 
one technology demonstration to perform investigations specifically 
targeted for preparing for future human exploration. The instruments 
are provided by various organizations throughout the United States, 
and one is from Russia. 

The mission is also carrying a secondary payload called Lunar CRater 
Observation and Sensing Satellite. Its goals are to confirm the 
presence or absence of water ice at the moon's south pole. NASA's 
Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., manages the orbiter 
project, and the agency's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, 
Calif., manages the sensing satellite project. 

Principal work for tank manufacturing of the Atlas V first stage 
booster will occur at the Lockheed Martin facilities in Waterton, 
Colo.; tank fabrication for the Centaur upper stage will occur at the 
Lockheed facilities in San Diego; assembly and testing of the launch 
vehicle components will occur at the Lockheed aeronautics plant in 

The fabrication and assembly of the payload fairing, the interstate 
and its associated adapter will be performed by Lockheed in 
Harlingen, Texas. 

The launch services for the LRO/LCROSS were acquired under the 
existing NASA Launch Services indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity 
contract using a launch service task order procedure. 

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