International Space Station Status Report: SS06-034

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July 21, 2006

Grey Hautaluoma
Headquarters, Washington 

James Hartsfield
Johnson Space Center, Houston



For the first time since early 2003, the International Space Station 
is home to three crew members. European Space Agency astronaut Thomas 
Reiter joined Expedition 13 following Space Shuttle Discovery's 
mission earlier this month. 

Reiter, who serves as the expedition flight engineer, Commander Pavel 
Vinogradov and Flight Engineer Jeff Williams got down to business. 
Their tasks this week included activating a new high-tech freezer; 
installing additional sound suppression devices; performing a 
functional check of a new oxygen generation system, which will become 
active next year; and preparing for the next spacewalk, set for just 
before 10 a.m. EDT on Aug. 3. 

Discovery left behind about three tons of supplies, hardware and 
experiments as well as 175 gallons (660 liters) of water and 74 
pounds (33 kilograms) of nitrogen, leaving the station in excellent 
condition to support the crew of three. 

One of the most anticipated experiment racks, the Minus Eighty 
Laboratory Freezer for ISS, was activated. The freezer will allow 
biological and human research experiment samples to be stored until 
they are returned to Earth for evaluation. 

The recent Discovery mission brought the new oxygen generation system 
and the freezer to the station. Status checks were performed this 
week on the newly installed oxygen system to prevent its internal 
valves from sticking over long periods of dormancy. Once it is 
activated, the device will augment the Russian Elektron 
oxygen-generation system in preparation for the further expansion of 
the station crew to six people. 

The crew also began preparations for the next spacewalk. The spacewalk 
by Williams and Reiter will be conducted in U.S. spacesuits. The 
astronauts will deploy external experiments and prepare station truss 
components for future assembly work. Additional solar panels and 
electrical equipment will be delivered by the next two space shuttle 
missions, scheduled for late August and December. Spacewalk 
preparations included flushing cooling loops in the Quest airlock and 
the spacesuits and configuring airlock systems and tools. The 
astronauts also reviewed station robotic arm procedures. 

The next station status report will be issued on Friday, July 28, or 
earlier if events warrant. 

For more about the crew's activities and station sighting 
opportunities, visit: 

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 


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