Next Space Station Crew to Discuss Mission on NASA TV

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July 7, 2006

James Hartsfield/Allard Beutel
Johnson Space Center, Houston



The next residents of the International Space Station and a Japanese 
spaceflight participant will discuss their mission during a Thursday, 
July 13, news conference on NASA TV.

The 3:30 p.m. EDT briefing will originate from NASA's Johnson Space 
Center, Houston, while the current station residents continue their 
joint mission with the Space Shuttle Discovery. Questions will be 
taken from media at participating NASA locations. The briefing 
participants are:

-- Mike Lopez-Alegria, a NASA astronaut born in Madrid, Spain, and 
raised in Mission Viejo, Calif., who will be Expedition 14 commander 
and NASA space station science officer.
-- Mikhail Tyurin, a Russian cosmonaut who will be Expedition 14 
flight engineer and Soyuz commander.
-- Suni Williams, a NASA astronaut born in Euclid, Ohio, and raised in 
Needham, Mass., who will be a flight engineer on both Expedition 14 
and 15. Williams will arrive for a six-month stay at the complex on 
the STS-116 shuttle mission, joining Lopez-Alegria and Tyurin and 
replacing European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Reiter as a third 
station crew member. Williams will remain on the station until the 
spring 2007, while Reiter returns to Earth with the STS-116 crew.
-- Daisuke Enomoto, a Japanese businessman who will launch with 
Lopez-Alegria and Tyurin from Baikonur under a commercial agreement 
with the Russian Federal Space Agency. Enomoto will stay on the 
station for eight days and return to Earth with Expedition 13 Flight 
Engineer Jeff Williams and Expedition 13 Commander Pavel Vinogradov, 
currently aboard the complex.

Following the news conference, interviews will be available with 
Lopez-Alegria, Tyurin and Williams for reporters at Johnson and by 
phone. Interested media should contact the Johnson newsroom at 
281-483-5111 by 6 p.m. EDT Wednesday, July 12.

For NASA TV downlink and schedule information, visit:

For information about the International Space Station, its mission and 
crews, visit:


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