International Space Station Status Report: SS06-031

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June 30, 2006

Joe Pally
Headquarters, Washington 

James Hartsfield
Johnson Space Center, Houston



The Expedition 13 crew welcomed a Russian resupply ship this week and 
prepared for the arrival of Space Shuttle Discovery. 

Discovery's launch is scheduled for 3:49 p.m. EDT Saturday. 
Discovery's STS-121 mission will return the station to three crew 
members for the first time since 2003, when European Space Agency 
astronaut Thomas Reiter joins crew members Jeff Williams, flight 
engineer and Pavel Vinogradov, commander. 

To get ready for STS-121 spacewalks, the crew flushed cooling loops in 
the Quest airlock and U.S. spacesuits, configured airlock systems and 
tools and reviewed robotic arm procedures. They checked out a 
ship-to-ship communications system that will be used for 
conversations with Discovery's crew during rendezvous and 
disconnected the station's Common Cabin Air Assembly heat exchanger. 
That device will be returned to Earth aboard Discovery along with 
other equipment in the Italian-built Leonardo Multipurpose Logistics 
Module. Discovery will use Leonardo to bring about 5,000 pounds of 
supplies to the station. 

The crew also completed a mid-mission session of the renal stone 
experiment by collecting urine samples and logging all of the food 
and drinks consumed over a three-day period. Each crewmember is 
taking either potassium citrate, a drug found to be useful in 
preventing kidney stone formation on Earth, or a placebo. Crews in 
space are at risk for kidney stones because of their loss of bone 

ISS Progress 22, the unpiloted Russian cargo spacecraft, brought 2.5 
tons of fresh produce, other foodstuffs, food, fuel and supplies to 
the station on June 26. After the cargo ship was fully connected with 
station systems, flight controllers in Moscow completed a routine 
thruster test, and Vinogradov removed its Kurs automated rendezvous 

The next station status report will be issued on Friday, July 7, or 
after the STS-121 mission. 

For more about the crew's activities and station sighting 
opportunities, visit: 

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit: 


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