NASA's Micro-Satellites Complete Technology Validation Mission

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June 29, 2006

Erica Hupp
Headquarters, Washington

Lynn Chandler
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

RELEASE: 06-254


NASA's three orbiting micro-satellites known as Space Technology 5 
have completed their planned 90-day mission. The mission team is 
shutting down the spacecraft to conclude operations on Friday, June 

The mission primarily focused on flight testing miniaturized 
satellites in the harsh environment of space and evaluating their 
ability to make research-quality scientific measurements.

The satellites were launched on March 22. Each fully fueled satellite 
weighed approximately 55 pounds when launched and is about the size 
of a 13-inch television.

A major milestone of the mission was reached when the spacecraft 
assumed a constellation formation on May 24. The satellites lined up 
in nearly identical orbits, like three pearls on a necklace, 
approximately 220 miles apart. Reaching formation required seven 
maneuvers using miniaturized micro-thrusters. Each spacecraft has a 
single micro-thruster the size of a quarter to perform both attitude- 
and orbit-adjustment maneuvers.

The mission demonstrated the benefits of using a constellation of 
spacecraft to perform scientific studies of the beautiful auroral 
displays that occur near Earth's polar regions. The spacecraft 
simultaneously traversed electric current sheets and measured the 
magnetic field using miniature magnetometers.

"Taking measurements at the same time in different locations allowed 
scientists to better estimate the thickness of current sheets and how 
they vary over time," said Guan Le, mission project scientist at 
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. "This could not 
have been done with a single spacecraft, no matter how capable."

The mission validation team demonstrated the sensitivity of miniature 
magnetometers, and suitability of the satellites for supporting 
scientific measurements. Over the next few months, the team will 
process the mission's magnetometer data, complete its assessments of 
the performance of the satellite constellation and report initial 

The mission also demonstrated an innovative communications technology. 
The satellites used miniature spacecraft radio transponders for 
space-to-ground communications and tracking. The transponders were 
coupled with conventional and computer-optimized or -evolved 
antennas. The transponders and antennas performed flawlessly.

The satellites' miniature power system demonstrated a high level of 
performance. All spacecraft lithium ion batteries stayed above 90 
percent charge, even during some tests intentionally designed to use 
them. The high-efficiency solar arrays on all three spacecraft 
produced more power than predicted prior to launch, and their 
batteries performed to expectations.

During the final days of the mission, the emphasis was on 
demonstrating ground system technologies. The ground system is highly 
automated to reduce the cost of operating multiple spacecraft as a 
single constellation rather than operating them individually. This 
type of ground system will help pave the way for an affordable means 
of simultaneously flying from 10 to hundreds of micro-satellites.

The project was developed and tested at Goddard. It is part of the New 
Millennium Program, which develops and tests high-payoff technologies 
that provide future science mission capabilities with reduced cost 
and risk. Each flight acts as a test track for competitively-selected 
technologies, mission objectives and operations concepts. New 
Millennium is managed for NASA by the agency's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

For information about the Space Technology 5 mission's technology and 
detailed results, visit:

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:


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