NASA Sends Explorer Schools Teachers Spaceward Bound

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June 20, 2006

Jonas Dino
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.

Staci Johnson/Sonja Alexander
Headquarters, Washington

RELEASE: 06-243


NASA is taking teachers to a barren desert in Chile to help inspire 
the next generation of explorers. The expedition is part of the 
Spaceward Bound pilot program, which challenges teachers to design 
and implement real field research.

On Monday, June 19, seven NASA Explorer Schools teachers joined a team 
of scientists in Chile's Atacama Desert. The teachers, along with 
planetary experts and technologists demonstrating communications and 
robot rover technology, will study the border between life and 
sterility in the arid region, known for similarities to the moon and 

Spaceward Bound is designed to immerse teachers in NASA exploration 
research through field research. In addition to building their own 
knowledge, teachers will also work to develop classroom content and 
new instruction methods, passing the knowledge and inspiration on to 
their students.

Leading the expedition is planetary expert Chris McKay from NASA's 
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. "The Explorer Schools 
teachers will be side-by-side with the scientists conducting 
experiments to increase our understanding of life in extreme 
environments," McKay said.

A unique aspect of this Atacama field study is the unprecedented level 
of access students, teachers, and the public will have to the 

"We have provided multiple avenues to join the research team in the 
Atacama Desert," said Liza Coe, co-principal investigator of the 
expedition "By visiting the NASA Quest Web site, you can get to know 
the team by reading their bios and watching their training sessions, 
or by viewing 360 degree panoramas and interacting with them via 

There will be two webcasts during the expedition, one in Spanish on 
Tuesday, June 27 and one in English, Wednesday June 28. Both webcasts 
start at noon EDT.

Teachers selected for expedition: Matthew Allner, West Middle School, 
Sioux City, Iowa; Catherine Campbell, Scarlett Middle School, Ann 
Arbor, Mich.; Geoffrey Hammond, Lake View Elementary School, 
Huntington Beach, Calif.; Karie Trupka, Circle of Nations School, 
Wahpeton, N.D.; Koby van Beest, Mascoma Valley Regional High School, 
Canaan, N.H.; Cherlyn Anderson, Sandhills Middle School, Gaston, 
S.C.; and Phyllis Krueger, Key Peninsula Middle School, Lakebay, 

Spaceward Bound is funded by NASA's Exploration Systems Mission 
Directorate. To learn more about the expedition and view the 
webcasts, visit:

For information about NASA's Explorer Schools Program, visit:

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:


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