NASA Sets Preview, Broadcast of Next Station Spacewalk

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May 23, 2006

Allard Beutel
Headquarters, Washington
(202) 358-4769

James Hartsfield
Johnson Space Center, Houston
(281) 483-5111



NASA will preview a June 1 spacewalk by the 13th International Space 
Station crew during a May 30 news conference. Both events will be 
broadcast live on NASA Television.

The May 30 briefing will be held at 2 p.m. EDT at NASA's Johnson Space 
Center in Houston. Media may ask questions from participating NASA 
locations. Managers will outline the spacewalk and provide a general 
status of the station. The briefers are:

-- Kirk Shireman, International Space Station deputy program manager
-- Holly Ridings, Expedition 13 EVA flight director
-- Paul Boehm, Expedition 13 lead EVA officer

The five and a half hour spacewalk begins at 6:40 p.m. EDT June 1, 
with live coverage starting at 5:30 p.m. EDT on NASA TV. It's the 
first of two spacewalks for Expedition 13 Commander Pavel Vinogradov 
and Flight Engineer Jeff Williams during their six-month mission.

Clad in Russian Orlan space suits, Vinogradov and Williams will exit 
the station from the Pirs airlock. They will install a new valve on 
the Zvezda Service Module for the station's Russian oxygen-generation 
system. They'll also collect experiments and install a new TV camera 
on the station's rail car system.

NASA TV's Public, Education and Media channels are available on an 
MPEG-2 digital C-band signal accessed via satellite AMC-6; 72 degrees 
west longitude, transponder 17C, 4040 MHz, vertical polarization. In 
Alaska and Hawaii, they're on AMC-7; 137 degrees west longitude, 
transponder 18C, at 4060 MHz, horizontal polarization.

For digital downlink and NASA TV information, including links to 
streaming video, visit:

For more information about the International Space Station or the two 
Expedition 13 crew members and their mission, visit:


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