International Space Station Status Report: SS06-024

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May 19, 2006

Katherine Trinidad
Headquarters, Washington
(202) 358-3749

James Hartsfield
Johnson Space Center, Houston
(281) 483-5111



In space this week, a satellite flew within a satellite. International 
Space Station Flight Engineer Jeff Williams "piloted" a unique 
spacecraft in three dimensions for the first time around the 
pressurized Destiny module. The demonstration tested the basics of 
formation flight and autonomous docking that could be useful in 
future multiple spacecraft formation flying.

That test flight wrapped up a week of experiments, maintenance, 
spacewalk preparations and packing of equipment set to return to 
Earth aboard Space Shuttle Discovery following its next mission to 
the station, targeted for July.

Along with Expedition 13 Commander Pavel Vinogradov, Williams oversaw 
activities through the 50th day of their planned 180-day mission, 
focusing on laboratory science experiments in the microgravity 
science glovebox. That facility hosted the final sample for the Pore 
Formation and Mobility Investigation experiment, which uses a 
transparent modeling material to study how bubbles form and migrate 
during liquid solidification. This is important to understanding the 
formation of flaws in molten metals as they solidify. 

Much of the attention, however, focused on a new experiment flying for 
the first time on the station ? the Synchronized Position Hold, 
Engage, Re-orient Experimental Satellites, also known as SPHERES.

Williams, also NASA's station science officer, performed a series of 
test flights with the first of what eventually will be a 
constellation of three small free-flying satellites designed to 
demonstrate the basics of formation flight and autonomous docking. 

For the first tests, only one satellite and two beacons ? one mounted 
and one hand-held ? were used. The satellite is eight inches in 
diameter and has a mass of about seven pounds. It also contains 
internal avionics, software and communications systems and is 
maneuvered using compressed carbon dioxide gas thrusters.

During the first test flight, performed autonomously in Destiny, the 
satellite made a series of 10-15 pre-planned maneuvers lasting up to 
10 minutes each. After Williams selected and loaded the appropriate 
software on the laptop, the satellite began its pre-programmed 
maneuvers to test attitude control, station keeping, re-targeting, 
collision avoidance and fuel balancing. 

This technology could be used to design spacecraft constellations or 
arrays or to develop free-flying robotic assistants to help 
astronauts on future spacewalks. 

NASA's payload operations team at the agency's Marshall Space Flight 
Center, Huntsville, Ala., coordinates U.S. science activities on the 

On the maintenance front, Vinogradov prepped for a June 1 space walk 
by reconfiguring ventilation lines associated with the Elektron 
oxygen generating system in the Zvezda module. One of the spacewalk 
tasks will be to install a new external hydrogen vent line for the 
Elektron. Oxygen is being provided now by storage tanks in the 
Progress supply vehicle. The Elektron will remain deactivated until 
after the spacewalk. 

Early in the week, the carbon dioxide removal system, known as 
Vozdukh, in the Russian segment malfunctioned. Flight controllers 
activated the carbon dioxide removal system in Destiny until 
troubleshooting restored Vozdukh's operation. Both units will run in 
tandem until next week when a new gas analyzer is installed in 

On Thursday, the crew talked with school students in Wisconsin's 
Winter School District about life in space and experiments aboard the 

The next station status report will be issued on Friday, May 26, or 
earlier if events warrant. For more about the crew's activities and 
station sighting opportunities, visit:


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