Newly Returned Space Station Crew Available for Interviews

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May 8, 2006

Joe Pally
Headquarters, Washington
(202) 358-7239

Nicole Cloutier-Lemasters
Johnson Space Center, Houston
(281) 483-5111



The recently returned 12th crew of the International Space Station, 
U.S. Commander Bill McArthur and Russian Flight Engineer Valery 
Tokarev, will be available for satellite interviews from 7 to 9 a.m. 
EDT Friday, May 12.

To participate, media should contact the Johnson newsroom at (281) 
483-5111 or Stephanie Stoll at (281) 483-9071 or via pager at (713) 
508-0581 by 4 p.m. EDT Thursday.

After six months in orbit, McArthur and Tokarev landed in a Soyuz 
spacecraft in Kazakhstan on April 8. They arrived in the United 
States last week. During 189 days in space, they conducted two 
spacewalks, contacted a record number of students via amateur radio 
and became the first crew to dock a spacecraft to all three Russian 
station docking ports. For International Space Station information, 

McArthur, a North Carolina native, is a retired Army colonel who has 
flown on three shuttle missions in addition to his stay on the space 
station. He has logged more than 224 days in space. Also a veteran 
space flier, Tokarev was born in Kap-Yar in Russia's Astrakhan 
Region. His first flight was aboard the shuttle in 1998, a 10-day 
mission that delivered four tons of supplies to the station to 
prepare it for arrival of its first crew, Expedition 1. For more on 
the Expedition 12 crew, visit:

The interviews and b-roll of Expedition 12 crew training airs live on 
the NASA TV analog satellite, AMC-6, Transponder 5C at 72 degrees 
west longitude, vertical polarization. The frequency is 3800 MHz, 
with audio at 6.8 MHz. The training b-roll airs from 6:30 to 7 a.m. 
EDT on May 12. For digital downlink information and links to 
streaming video, visit:


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