International Space Station Status Report: SS06-022

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May 5, 2006

Katherine Trinidad
Headquarters, Washington
(202) 358-3749

James Hartsfield
Johnson Space Center, Houston
(281) 483-5111



Completing their first month in space, Expedition 13 Commander Pavel 
Vinogradov and Flight Engineer Jeff Williams eased into normal 
station activities this week.

Most of the week was focused around routine maintenance and 
inspections. Williams completed checks of the refrigerated 
centrifuge, updated the inventory system and took samples of potable 
water for routine testing. He also changed the cooling water used in 
the U.S. spacesuits to ensure that the pumps work and to prevent 
microbial growth in the water tanks.

Vinogradov did similar jobs in the station's Russian segment, 
completing an inspection of the pressure hull in the Zvezda living 
quarters, performing maintenance of the ventilation system in Zvezda 
and testing emergency vacuum valves in the atmosphere purification 

On Wednesday, the crew updated onboard laptop computers. Williams 
began to install new software on the medical equipment computer, but 
stopped to allow ground specialists to troubleshoot some difficulties 
he encountered. The problem was resolved and the task will be 
rescheduled for Williams. Vinogradov installed and tested new 
software on a Russian laptop.

Both crew members spent time packing unneeded gear inside the ISS 
Progress 20. The 20th Progress to visit the station is docked to the 
Pirs compartment and will be jettisoned from the complex in mid-June 
to burn up in the atmosphere. Russian flight controllers also fired 
the newer ISS Progress 21 cargo craft's engines for about six and a 
half minutes on Thursday to boost the station's altitude by about 1.7 
miles. The Progress 21 is docked at the aft docking port of the 
Zvezda module.

Williams kicked off the first Expedition 13 session of the Pore 
Formation and Mobility Investigation this week. It is an experiment 
that studies bubbling that occurs in weightlessness as liquids cool 
and turn into solids. It provides insight into how materials solidify 
in space and may benefit similar processes used in industry on Earth. 
The experiment is performed in the microgravity science glovebox in 
the Destiny Lab.

The crew took time this week to reach out to more than 1,500 students, 
teachers and NASA personnel participating in a Space Day educational 
event at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The event 
was part of a larger program highlighting NASA Explorer Schools as 
well as a collaboration between NASA and America Online (AOL).

Williams also spoke to students in the Inuit community of Kuujjuaq, 
Canada, via HAM radio. More than 340 students attend the school, 
which is located 900 miles north of Montreal at the base of Ungava 

The next station status report will be issued on Friday, May 12, or 
earlier if events warrant. For more about the crew's activities and 
station sighting opportunities, visit:


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