NASA and AOL Team Up to Give Kids a Virtual Ride into Space

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May 1, 2006

Sonja Alexander
Headquarters, Washington
(202) 358-1761 

Lori Dolginoff
AOL Corporate Communications, New York
(212) 652-6363

RELEASE: 06-210


NASA and AOL have joined forces to bring the excitement and adventure 
of space exploration to young people. Through a Space Act Agreement, 
NASA's Office of Education and Space Operations Mission Directorate 
will collaborate with AOL to create "KOL-Expeditions NASA Earth Crew 
Missions", a series of live webcasts. 

To kick off this new partnership, AOL's Kids Online service, KOL, will 
present a webcast from 10 to 11 a.m. EDT Thursday, May 4, during 
National Space Day at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, 
Md. The event will feature Radio KOL DJ Rick Adams and information 
about training for missions, living and working in space. 

During the show, students will have an "out of this world" opportunity 
to talk with the Expedition 13 crew members aboard the International 
Space Station. The station is a laboratory orbiting 215 miles above 
the Earth. Expedition 13 Commander Pavel Vinogradov and Flight 
Engineer Jeff Williams began their six-month mission on the station 
March 31. Additional webcast participants include NASA astronauts 
Paul Richards, Ricky Arnold and Goddard's Chief Scientist, James 

"A partnership with AOL allows NASA to leverage our unique content, 
people and facilities," said Angela Phillips Diaz, (acting) assistant 
administrator for education. "Through this online experience, we can 
excite students to think about their place in the Vision for Space 
Exploration, and begin them on a journey to careers in science, 
technology, engineering and mathematics." 

For more information and to view the webcast, visit:


Teachers and students can also view the webcast at: 


"We're thrilled to partner with NASA as part of our KOL Expeditions 
program, enabling millions of kids to discover new frontiers by 
interacting with NASA scientists and astronauts," said Mark Stevens, 
KOL education director & GM, AOL@SCHOOL. 

KOL Expeditions is a new site designed to provide kids, parents and 
teachers with a platform to make learning fun through interactive 
missions, video content and other special activities. The NASA/AOL 
station webcast, the second initiative on the site, lays the 
groundwork for what will be a series about space exploration. 

The site will also feature educational materials and interactive 
activities to inspire elementary-aged kids to explore the world of 
science and space. 

Space Day, sponsored by Lockheed Martin, started in 1997 as a 
grassroots educational initiative held each year on the first 
Thursday in May. The goal of Space Day is to use the excitement of 
space exploration to encourage students' interest in science, 
technology, engineering and mathematics. 

Hundreds of thousands of teachers and millions of students have 
participated in Space Day events in 21 countries. The program, which 
is supported by more than 70 official partner institutions, has been 
honored with the Space Foundation's Education Achievement Award. 

For information about NASA and agency programs on the Web, visit:


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