International Space Station Status Report: SS06-015

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April 7, 2006

Joe Pally 
Headquarters, Washington 
(202) 358-7239 

James Hartsfield 
Johnson Space Center, Houston 
(281) 483-5111 



Camaraderie and hard work highlighted this week's joint operations on 
the International Space Station. Aboard the complex, one crew 
prepared for a return to Earth while another focused on taking the 
helm in orbit. 

Expedition 12 Commander Bill McArthur, Flight Engineer Valery Tokarev 
and Brazilian astronaut Marcos Pontes head home Saturday, closing 
hatches as they leave the station at 1:35 p.m. EDT. They will undock 
their Soyuz spacecraft at 4:28 p.m. EDT. That sets the stage for a 
deorbit burn at 6:58 p.m. EDT to drop the 15,000-pound spacecraft out 
of orbit. The Soyuz will parachute to a landing at 7:48 p.m. EDT on 
the steppes of Kazakhstan. All landing events can be seen live on 
NASA Television and 

Expedition 12's homecoming preparations began in earnest after last 
week's arrival of the 13th station crew, Commander Pavel Vinogradov 
and Flight Engineer Jeff Williams, who arrived with Pontes, Brazil's 
first astronaut. Pontes will have spent eight days on the station 
conducting experiments as part of a commercial agreement with the 
Russian Federal Space Agency. 

This week began with a partially completed "campout" by McArthur and 
Williams in the Quest Airlock. The planned overnight stay in the 
airlock tested procedures that can shorten the time needed to prepare 
for future spacewalks. 

Quest was sealed off from the rest of the station at 6:45 p.m. EDT 
Monday with McArthur and Williams inside, and its air pressure was 
later lowered to 10.2 pounds per square inch. The rest of the station 
remained at the normal air pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch. 
An overnight stay at the lower air pressure helps purge nitrogen from 
the body, a necessary step to avoid decompression sickness. McArthur 
and Williams were awakened four hours into their sleep in the airlock 
by an error tone. 

The tone was generated by software that monitors the composition of 
air on the station. Flight controllers opted to end the campout test 
Tuesday at 12:43 a.m. EDT, open the airlock hatch to the station, and 
allow the crew to go back to sleep. Despite the glitch, all of the 
test objectives were achieved. Engineers are reviewing data to 
determine whether changes are needed to use the technique during the 
STS-115 shuttle mission later this year. Engineers could decide to 
repeat the test at another time. 

On Wednesday, Williams trained with the station's robot arm, 
Canadarm2. Late this week, McArthur briefed Williams on payload 
operations in the Destiny laboratory while Tokarev, the Soyuz 
commander, stowed equipment and payloads in the Soyuz for the trip 
home. Tokarev also reviewed procedures for the undocking, entry and 
landing with flight controllers at the Russian Mission Control Center 
outside Moscow. 

NASA TV's Public, Education and Media channels are available on an 
MPEG-2 digital C-band signal accessed via satellite AMC-6, at 72 
degrees west longitude, transponder 17C, 4040 MHz, vertical 
polarization. In Alaska and Hawaii, they're on AMC-7 at 137 degrees 
west longitude, transponder 18C, at 4060 MHz, horizontal 
polarization. For digital downlink information and links to streaming 
video, visit:  

Information on the crew's activities aboard the space station, future 
launch dates, and station sighting opportunities are available at:  

The next status report will be issued Saturday night, April 8, 
following landing of Expedition 12 and its Soyuz spacecraft.


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