NASA & HDNet Announce High Definition TV Broadcast Partnership

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March 29, 2006

Dean Acosta
Headquarters, Washington 
(202) 358-1400

Michael Rein
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
(321) 867-2468 

Collette Carey
HDNet, Denver 
(303) 542-5576

RELEASE: 06-129


NASA and HDNet have joined together to provide high definition TV 
coverage of space shuttle launches through 2010. The agreement 
ensures the remaining shuttle liftoffs and landings at NASA's Kennedy 
Space Center in Florida will be broadcast in the highest quality 
television format available. 

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin and HDNet Chairman and President 
Mark Cuban are scheduled to discuss formal details of the agreement 
during a news conference Thursday, April 6, from 5:45 to 6:15 p.m. 
EDT at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo. 

"We appreciate the financial investment and technical expertise HDNet 
has brought to the table to help us reach audiences interested in 
this next generation of television," Griffin said. 

HDNet will broadcast the flights in high definition TV, known as HDTV, 
which has at least twice the resolution of standard television 
formats. HDNet also will provide the agency a standard broadcast 
signal of launches for use by media networks and NASA TV. When 
possible, it will air HDTV coverage of NASA's expendable rocket 
launches on its network. 

"This is an exciting deal for HDNet," Cuban said. "Every shuttle 
launch is a unique and historic American experience. For the next 
four years, the place to watch this full live broadcast experience in 
high-definition will be on HDNet. We are proud that NASA has 
partnered with HDNet for this important role." 

This news conference is hosted by the Space Foundation during its 22nd 
National Space Symposium, which runs April 3 through April 6. 

For news media questions about the Space Foundation, symposium events 
or press registration, contact Stephanie Fibbs at (719) 576-8000. 
Media representatives interested in covering the news conference or 
symposium events should register with the Space Foundation on the Web 

For information about HDNet and its programming on the Web, visit: 

For information about NASA and agency programs on the Web, visit: 


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