NASA Named One of the Top Government Innovators

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March 27, 2006

Sonja Alexander
Headquarters, Washington
(202) 358-1761 

RELEASE: 06-107


The NASA Explorer Schools Program was chosen as one of the Top 50 
Government Innovations for 2006 by the Ash Institute for Democratic 
Governance and Innovation. 

The selected programs represent the government's best efforts in 
various areas including education and training. They demonstrate the 
most innovative, creative and results-oriented efforts in government 
according to the award criteria. 

"NASA's Explorer Schools Program exemplifies the agency's tradition of 
investing in the nation's education programs and supporting educators 
who play a key role in preparing, inspiring, encouraging and 
nurturing young minds," said Angela Phillips Diaz, NASA's acting 
assistant administrator for education.

In its fourth year, NASA's Explorer Schools program establishes a 
three-year partnership between the agency and school teams of 
teachers and education administrators from diverse communities across 
the country. The program is designed for education communities to 
help improve teaching and learning in science, math and technology. 
The program wants to attract and retain students, teachers and 
faculty through a progression of educational opportunities. 

The Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government, 
Cambridge, Mass., announced the selections March 22. The National 
Selection Committee on Innovation in American Government will name 
the most innovative agencies, from among the top 50, in July during a 
ceremony in Washington. 

For information about the program on the Web, visit: 

For information about the NASA Explorer Schools program on the Web, 


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