In Case You Missed It: A Weekly Summary of Top Content from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

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  April 03, 2020 

In Case You Missed It: A Weekly Summary of Top Content from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

Week of March 30-April 3


NASA Taps Workforce for Innovative Ideas for Coronavirus Response Efforts

For more than 60 years, NASA has overcome a range of unique challenges. Now, the agency is looking to leverage its expertise and capabilities to help the nation with the unprecedented challenge of the coronavirus.


Could Satellites Help Head Off a Locust Invasion?

Swarms of locusts are jeopardizing farms across eastern Africa -- but satellite data could help keep crops safe. Learn how SERVIR at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, is working to stop Kenya's worst locust infestation in 70 years.


NASA, SpaceX Simulate Upcoming Crew Mission with Astronauts

Joint teams from NASA and SpaceX have been successfully simulating phases of the Demo-2 flight test to the International Space Station. NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley will fly aboard the Crew Dragon spacecraft launching atop a Falcon 9 rocket. The Commercial Crew Program Launch Vehicle Office at Marshall helped certify the Falcon 9 for human spaceflight.


Augmented Reality Helps Prepare Orion Hardware for Artemis II Crewed Mission

Lockheed Martin, lead contractor for NASA’s Orion spacecraft, is using augmented reality to increase efficiency in building the spacecraft for Artemis II, the first crewed mission aboard Orion. The goggle technology provides a unique function for understanding the dynamic work environment of assembling complex hardware.


Let NASA Bring the Universe to Your Home

The “NASA at Home” website has resources and materials for scientists and space fans of all ages. Check out e-books, podcasts, videos, apps and virtual tours, plus activities for kids and families.


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