May 16, 2018 MEDIA ADVISORY 18-024 NASA Invites Media to SLS Industry Day NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, will host an industry day on Tuesday, May 22. Officials will share information about the latest NASA contract opportunities with representatives of large and small businesses as well as prime contractors and subcontractors for the agency's deep-space rocket, the Space Launch System. Media are invited to attend the free event at the Jackson Center in Huntsville at 6001 Moquin Drive, Northwest, to hear from SLS program officials, Marshall's Small Business Specialist David Brock and other agency officials. Media interested in attending must contact Jennifer Stanfield at 256-544-7199 or jennfier.stanfield@xxxxxxxx by Monday, May 21, at 1 p.m. The event, organized by Marshall's Small Business Office, will provide participants with detailed information on how to do business with government agencies, large businesses and NASA field centers and operations around the nation. Breakout sessions will detail upcoming business opportunities across the agency and introduce small business owners to key NASA personnel and representatives of NASA prime contractors. Officials from SLS prime contractors Aerojet Rocketdyne, Orbital ATK, Teledyne Brown Engineering and Boeing will provide updates about their work with SLS. Brock and Steve Creech, SLS Spacecraft/Payloads Integration and Evolution Office manager, will be available for interviews with media at approx. 10 a.m. following the morning presentations. SLS will enable a new era of exploration, launching astronauts in the Orion spacecraft on missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond. Learn more about NASA's Space Launch System at: Learn more about Marshall small business initiatives, visit: | |
Press Contacts Jennifer Stanfield |
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