I just upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10->10.04. In the new system, mplayer stopped working with some RTSP streams which worked perfectly in my Ubuntu 9.10. Am I missing some codec o plugin I used to have? (10.04 was a clean install). ---- Here is a typical output: STREAM_LIVE555, URL: rtsp://a988.v101995.c10199.e.vm.akamaistream.net/7/988/10199/3f97c7e6/ftvigrp.download.akamai.com/10199/cappuccino/production/publication/France_2/Autre/2010/S20/125780_HD_13h_20100517.wmv Stream not seekable! file format detected. Failed to initiate "audio/X-ASF-PF" RTP subsession: RTP payload format unknown or not supported Failed to initiate "video/X-ASF-PF" RTP subsession: RTP payload format unknown or not supported Failed to initiate "video/X-ASF-PF" RTP subsession: RTP payload format unknown or not supported