>> I just read about the support for the HW accelerator/decoder of the ATOM >> Z series under Linux. > >Note that the homepage is very slightly ambiguous: The relevant entry has >nothing to do with Atom (the CPU), but with Poulsbo (an Intel chipset that is >often used with Atom CPU's). The entry basically claims you can use hardware >acceleration on Poulsbo driven hardware on Linux with MPlayer (but depends on >the definition of "utilize" and "MPlayer"). >AFAIK, you may also have an Nvidia ION chipset with your Atom CPU which actually >supports hardware accelerated decoding with MPlayer svn since about one year (on >Linux, Solaris and some BSD). > For this Mediasystem project I am working on we use an embedded board (picoITX) that uses a ATOM Z CPU and a US15W (Poulsbo) chipset. We have Windows Embedded Standard 2009 as OS and are looking for a fully configurable (skin) and externally/remote controllable Mediaplayer for displaying IPTV streams (mainly) with our own GUI, controlled from our own application. Of course, we would prefer a Mediaplayer that uses the HW decoder available in Poulsbo - if possible at all. >> How can I make use of the decoder in wwindows? > >I've heard rumours that vlc does support it (for both Poulsbo and ION). That was >their main attraction on FOSDEM.. > VLC will be starting to support DxVA2 from the next release (1.1), possibly due in February. However, DxVA2 is available from Vista onwards only and therefore cannot be used win XP based code as we do with Emb.Std.2009. AFAIK, the support of DxVA (used on XP) is not planned. VLC was my first thought .. 'bad shot' .. that's why I am looking for another solution .. Franz