After spending the last two days diddling and patching and what-not I have come up with a guide on how to build mplayer/mencoder/x264/ffmpeg from scratch. I just finished it and it needs some tidying up but I hope it comes in useful: After the latest changes that went into mplayer necessitating a move to the minGW runtime 3.15 I don't think any of the currently active guides apply any longer. I realize that there are other ways of doing this but this was a pretty comprehensive and, more importantly for me, successful approach at doing this. I hate building these things under Windows and Linux is so much more programmer-friendly but I believe this is why these guides are particularly handy. There were quite a few peculiarities and hurdles and I am fairly certain I did not cover all of them but as I was frantically working away at getting things built I was probably a tad careless in taking notes. Any feedback or corrections are appreciated. Thanks to the mplayer team for providing such a fine product. And yes, I shall still (now finally) provide feedback on the multiplexer/TrueHD issue. /re