> But now I've read here that mencoder is no longer officially supported. I've chosen to understand it another way: mencoder isn't officially unsupportet or dropped, I've understood there was only noone to work on it right now. > I need do this > to > use an editing package - openmovieeditor - which seems not to open mp3 > audio > streams. What I am doing now is first creating the video as an mpeg4 w/ > mpeg3 audio. Then, using mencoder, copy the video stream, but convert the > audio via lavc to ac3. But that shifts the audio back about 5 secs or > more, This will probably not help with the time shift, but why do you use a lossy audio codec to edit the video? For intermediate files I would always suggest uncompressed audio, like pcm. It's unlikely that any software will refuse to read that. Greets, Kiste