1) Generate a cuefile from an audio cd: cdrdao read-toc --datafile aaa.bin aaa.toc toc2cue aaa.toc aaa.cue 2) Generate a .bin file from it, with bytes swapped with the -r switch: cdparanoia -v -r 1- aaa.bin 3) The bin file can be burned with cdrdao write --swap aaa.toc 4) The "swapped" .bin file can be played with mplayer -demuxer rawaudio aaa.bin or extracted to wavs with bchunk -vw aaa.bin aaa.cue aaa. and these play fine with mplayer. 5) Regenerate the .bin, with bytes in the natural, raw order: cdparanoia -v -p 1- aaa.bin 6) To play this aaa.bin, it is required to do: dd conv=swab aaa.bin | mplayer -demuxer rawaudio - or extracted to wavs with bchunk -vws aaa.bin aaa.cue aaa. and these play fine with mplayer. 7) At one time, I thought mplayer cue://aaa.cue would play this file, but apparently not anymore. 8) Another thing that *does not play* this .bin is mplayer -demuxer rawaudio -format s16be -af format=s16le aaa.bin which is what I expected. This would allow simple verification of a clean read off of the optical drive by cdparanoia, cdrdao etc. Am I doing something wrong, leaving anything out, making some false assumption? Thanks for any attention given these issues. Regards, Dallas E. Legan II / legan at acm.org / aw585 at lafn.org http://isthereanotherquestion.blogspot.com ************************************************************************ "Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!" - "At the Mountains of Madness", H.P. Lovecraft --------------------------------------------- This message was sent using Endymion MailMan. http://www.endymion.com/products/mailman/