Hello, please configure your mailer to wrap lines below 80 characters per line. 72 to 75 is usually OK. Thank you. On 19.12.09 14:53, Lugo Teehalt wrote: > Mplayer has started changing to 640x480 resolution when playing files that > I've got off the DVD recorder's recordings, *.vob files. These used to > play nicely with an enjoyable grainy appearance. This may be due to a new > kernel or to reinstalling mplayer from Debian multimedia. New kernel can cause problems, if you don't have correct driver for your video card. > Do not mind the low resolution as such - they are crude recordings, but > the effect is to make the picture small and not filling as much of the > screen as previously. What is the actual problem? mplayer can cause resolution swithing when playing small video in fullscreen mode, so the video fits on screen. Do you want play video in actual resolution, in small rectangle on a screen? > Thanks for any help with this. Err....I haven't worked out how to reply > to threads, so I'm not being rude. simply reply to the message you are reacting on, if your MUA adds Reeferences: and/or In-Reply-To: headers, it should go to the correct thread. -- Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address. Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.