Chris Szilagyi wrote: > Hello: > > I'm trying to use the "aconvert" utility to convert some Real Audio files to > Windows Media Audio v2 files. However, I cannot figure out how to encode as > a format other than MP3. I read the README in the TOOLS folder but it > doesn't have all of the options for this utility. > > If I do: "aconvert realaudiofile.rm windowsmediafile.wma", I get an MP3 > encoded file. I tried doing "aconvert realaudiofile.rm windowsmediafile.wma > -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=wmav2:abitrate=44", but I get the error: > > Option oac: Unknown suboption realaudiofile.rm > Error parsing option on the command line: -oac > Exiting... (error parsing command line) > > If anybody can help me, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!! > in aconvert change options=${3:-"-oac mp3lame"} with options=${3:-"-oac wmav2"} I don't know anything about wma, but you'll have to look in this direction or learn how mencoder works.