Hello Im conducting an experiment on power saving using mplayer. Following is my brief opinion on mplayer main loop. I don't have much experience in multimedia player, so the concern may not be valid. Aboutaving power during playback - The mainoop seems to wake up and decode audio data by the size of sound device buffer. In some HW platforms, decoding as many chunk of frames and idling longer saves power. Aboutse of multi thread - Relatedo above opinion, creating separte thread for filling audio and video buffer, and using kind of watermark to manage the size of decoded buffer may be an idea, I think. The main loop may just sync timing and output the decoded frames to output devices. I don't know how does mplayer make use of multithreading enough. Thanks, Owen Fromillm at optusnet.com.au Mon Dec 22 07:23:26 2008 From:illm at optusnet.com.au (Till M) Date:on, 22 Dec 2008 17:23:26 +1100 Subject: dvdnav, dvdreadvn and lsdvd Message-ID: <494F325E.5020108@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> If I compile mplayervn with svn dvdnav and dvdread support. Do I need to compilesdvd from source to make it work with these libraries. Becausehe version from my distro's repo (Debian lenny) wants to installhe other versions. How can I getround this? Ise lsdvd a lot. -- Best xmassegards to all Till