-----BEGINGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I wouldike to report a possible license violation of Mplayer's copyright. Anpplication called "Dziobas Rar Player Portable" is based onplayer and licensed as: "License GPL". The application can be foundt: <http://ds6.ovh.org/drp.html>. Thepplication violates Mplayer's copyright because: 1. The distribution does not contain copy of the license. 2. Theource code is not included in the distribution, and unavailableo the public - even so far as explicitly posting its lack ofvailability: <http://www.dziobasplayer.fora.pl/only- english,8/source,35.html>. <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-violation.html>aid I should contactou. Ifhis is not the correct mailing list, may I be directed to the appropriate one? Yours Truly, Ducky431t hushmail.com -----BEGINGP SIGNATURE----- Charset: UTF8 Note: Thisignature can be verified at https://www.hushtools.com/verify Version: Hush 3.0 wpwEAQMCAAYFAklGAkwACgkQlzuaoUOaHDZxQwP/aLU7VQYajzG/s3vy/hEckx3klzRu rTYYUQgNTiANG6b1vZ0LfVxnL6AwLLZTkmXHjl0pWAC3GDRxtuPIl7XwF0EbFRQdmNqq GkSoPI4l6yLur80dF8rChDFMqZkxPCszDV+U9Pq8xE0vP7brWGKrweWVbDq2Ggf1nixP JrglSuw= =vqA8 -----ENDGP SIGNATURE----- -- Become Top Chef! http://tagline.hushmail.com/fc/PnY6qxtWo87unUYoAmwejvzhlPqaK7mCOe3VEsKHgOXiCreXGWVfU/