On Wed, Dec 03, 2008t 12:39:12AM -0800, Jason Garrett-Glaser wrote: > On Tue, Dec 2, 2008t 11:30 PM, Zhang Weiwu <zhangweiwu at realss.com> wrote: > > This clip is copied fromecurity camera monitoring machine. file(1) > > could not determinehe file type. The file is possible to playback on > > Windows with ????,he name of the software is in Chinese but it > >ooks to be based on mplayer (the name of the player directly > >ranslation would be "storm video and audio"). > > > > https://emerson.realss.com/~yuliansu/tmp/ch07_20081126070500.mp4 > > > > Question: > > Ishis an mplayer problem or a broken video format? (all other video > > clips copied fromecurity camera also doesn't play back. > > I've neverven heard of such a video format. Odds are its some >andom proprietary format that nobody supports. Well,he video itself _could_ be MPEG-4, the container certainly isn't, but it isimple enough that someone skilled should not take much more than few hours to reverse-engineer and the same time to implement it. I just haveome doubts someone wants to waste his time on this. Ifou can prove they use MPlayer of FFmpeg you can of course ask them forhe source, and if they did not give it to you or a written offer of ithey already belong here: http://ffmpeg.org/shame.html Greetings, Reimar D?ffinger Fromectalogic at rectalogic.com Thu Dec 4 05:12:06 2008 From:ectalogic at rectalogic.com (Andrew Wason) Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 04:12:06 +0000 (UTC) Subject: video copied fromecurity camera doesn't playback References: <4936359D.1060908@xxxxxxxxxx> Message-ID: <loom.20081204T035447-245@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Zhang Weiwu <zhangweiwu <at>ealss.com> writes: > This clip is copied fromecurity camera monitoring machine. file(1) > could not determinehe file type. The file is possible to playback on > Windows with ????,he name of the software is in Chinese but it >ooks to be based on mplayer (the name of the player directly >ranslation would be "storm video and audio"). Looksike it is this player, Storm Video 2009: http://dl.baofeng.com/storm3/Storm2009.exe I installed itnd was able to play your video. This player seems to use ffdshow andome other commercial components (CoreAVC, Cyberlink codecs etc.) One ofhe codecs is HikH264Dec.ax which contains the string 4HKH and also the strings: VDecoder : This is h264tream ! VDecoder : This is mp4tream ! Also HikFileSplitter.axnd HikFileSource.ax contain the string 4HKH. This codec is Copyright(C)HangZhou Hikvision Digital Technology -hey apparentlyell the Hikvision DS-4000 Windows SDK and are the "leading supplier of digital videourveillance products" http://www.hikvision.com/en/zhichi1.asp?tid=13&bgclassid=12&act=d&classid=13 Andrew