On 27 Nov 2008, at 19:44, Lehni wrote: > ... > I am trying to find out if it is possible to synchronize the playback > of muplitple instances of Mplayer on multiple machines across the > network. I would like to create a video wall based on HD resolution > video files. Each of these files is a part of a video of an even > higher resolution, and each would be played back by its own dedicated > machine. Have you looked at VLC, at all? I can't see quite how to apply it to your exact requirements, but it has been mentioned in the past WRT syncronising video playback on multiple machines. IIRC VLC has a broadcast server and you can point multiple VLC clients at it. If your video is merely 1080p then you may be able to configure each VLC client just to discard the unneeded parts of the video without straining the network & server. Stroller.