Stroller wrote: I have a reply from 007 (off-list, I think?) in which he says it's not? working. bravo 007 - advise you to repost that message here if you? still need help. > Ok i'm? sorry, I forgot when I replied your message it forwarded to your mail not this mailing list. I type "mplayer" in console and it gave me an error message that mplayer can't find this library (for this case, so what should I do now? John Doe wrote: BUT given the fact that BackTrack is a Live CD and bravo 007 is asking on how to make mplayer work on it... All I can say is : good luck! Please, bravo 007, feel free to humour me, but if you do so - tell us how you made mplayer run on BackTrack 3. > Yes, you're right. So what? Did you think I run mplayer from LIVE CD?? I don't know who wrote this, but if? you think i humour you, maybe you can laugh if you read this ( I think i still have 2 neurons so that i can install this BT to my hdd and that is a "full" install). After that I installed mplayer and that's where this problem came from.