Hi.I hava an AVI big file, and I want to extract a small section from it. This is the command i use to extract 5 seconds (25 fps) starting at 264 secs: $ mencoder "C:\Temp\OutputFIle.avi" -o SourceFIle.avi -ss 264 -frames 125 -oac copy -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=800 -mc 0 The problem is that the output file starts at 270 secs of the source file, instead at 264. The same result is obtained if I set the -ss option to 262, 263, 264, etc. I think the problem is the ouput file starts at the next keyframe found in the source file from the position I want. Is there any way to start the extraction at the position wanted exactly??? Thank you very much.