> The Channel Nine Network in australia as well as the ABC are trail > blazing technology that allows their viewers to watch tv on the computer > (besides htpc's). I applaud this move, and hey (as far as Nine is > concerned) I would watch the ads to support this. Well, I am neither programmer nor lawyer, but this seems to me to be the most improbable solution. > This is > by no means a hacking question, as I mentioned at the outset I would > watch the ads if necessary (it'd be a simple matter of fast forwarding > ads anyway)- it just would be a helpful feature if I didn't have to. You would watch the ads while fast forwarding. That's not the required price. Have you had a look at the FAQs of hiro? ----------------- Why can't I fast-forward while viewing an ad? As the software is financed by the ads revenues, in order to ensure that users will continue to enjoy free content, we must make sure that they will not skip the ads that appear in the videos. For this reason it is impossible to fast forward and rewind during an advertisement. ----------------- So Hiro wouldn't cooperate with MPlayer if forwarding wasn't disabled during ads. As anyone could re-enable it for himself, that's futile. I see only three possibilities here: 1. Urge hiro to supply a full closed-source linux player 2. Get yourself a MAC 3. Hack that DRM thing they use For the first two noone here can help you. So this IS a hacking question... Sorry. Kiste