On Sunday 12 October 2008, Manuel Reimer wrote: > Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski wrote: > > You could help us make a new release. > > What exactly has to be done to release the current state of SVN, as > 1.0 RC3? Well, to start with, someone should compile a list of known regressions and other gotchas, look into prodding the right people to try fix any such regressions, etc... Stuff that vaguely comes to mind: Does ass support still work, or is it waiting for uau/aurelien to stop arguing or write code? Did it work in rc2? DVD support... Someone needs to write a really point by point explanation of dvdnav forking, how to use the forked dvdnav, what of the internal dvdnav in MPlayer, etc. And how do you get css support? With mpdvdkit it's included (I think), with external forked dvdnav I'm not so sure.