Hi I have posted examples of the movies. Just download them with wget or getright. All are on http://www.qubix.pl/<filename> where filename is one of: 57026f6369f19a0a4686ca18b098a579 good2.mts 8747f0a38315f76aba305b0dd3e78c7d good.mts e3a90e2294570d24c2320744aba5e906 bad.mts The sums given above are md5. You need to supply -fps 50000/1001, as the camera does not put the info into the file. The bad file is abd at about 41 secs. I use the following to mencode: mencoder $1 -o $1-3.avi -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -lavcopts acodec=mp3:abitrate=96:vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=7500:threads=4:aspect=16/9 -vf kerndeint=10:0:0:1:1 -fps 50000/1001 -ofps 25000/1001 Please could someone check those files? Or even tell me how can i get along with the "bad" one? Regards Jakub Kulesza