The quilt patch titled Subject: mm/damon: add data structure for monitoring intervals auto-tuning has been removed from the -mm tree. Its filename was mm-damon-add-data-structure-for-monitoring-intervals-auto-tuning.patch This patch was dropped because it was merged into the mm-stable branch of git:// ------------------------------------------------------ From: SeongJae Park <sj@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: mm/damon: add data structure for monitoring intervals auto-tuning Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 14:17:19 -0800 Patch series "mm/damon: auto-tune aggregation interval". DAMON requires time-consuming and repetitive aggregation interval tuning. Introduce a feature for automating it using a feedback loop that aims an amount of observed access events, like auto-exposing cameras. Background: Access Frequency Monitoring and Aggregation Interval ================================================================ DAMON checks if each memory element (damon_region) is accessed or not for every user-specified time interval called 'sampling interval'. It aggregates the check intervals on per-element counter called 'nr_accesses'. DAMON users can read the counters to get the access temperature of a given element. The counters are reset for every another user-specified time interval called 'aggregation interval'. This can be illustrated as DAMON continuously capturing a snapshot of access events that happen and captured within the last aggregation interval. This implies the aggregation interval plays a key role for the quality of the snapshots, like the camera exposure time. If it is too short, the amount of access events that happened and captured for each snapshot is small, so each snapshot will show no many interesting things but just a cold and dark world with hopefuly one pale blue dot or two. If it is too long, too many events are aggregated in a single shot, so each snapshot will look like world of flames, or Muspellheim. It will be difficult to find practical insights in both cases. Problem: Time Consuming and Repetitive Tuning ============================================= The appropriate length of the aggregation interval depends on how frequently the system and workloads are making access events that DAMON can observe. Hence, users have to tune the interval with excessive amount of tests with the target system and workloads. If the system and workloads are changed, the tuning should be done again. If the characteristic of the workloads is dynamic, it becomes more challenging. It is therefore time-consuming and repetitive. The tuning challenge mainly stems from the wrong question. It is not asking users what quality of monitoring results they want, but how DAMON should operate for their hidden goal. To make the right answer, users need to fully understand DAMON's mechanisms and the characteristics of their workloads. Users shouldn't be asked to understand the underlying mechanism. Understanding the characteristics of the workloads shouldn't be the role of users but DAMON. Aim-oriented Feedback-driven Auto-Tuning ========================================= Fortunately, the appropriate length of the aggregation interval can be inferred using a feedback loop. If the current snapshots are showing no much intresting information, in other words, if it shows only rare access events, increasing the aggregation interval helps, and vice versa. We tested this theory on a few real-world workloads, and documented one of the experience with an official DAMON monitoring intervals tuning guideline. Since it is a simple theory that requires repeatable tries, it can be a good job for machines. Based on the guideline's theory, we design an automation of aggregation interval tuning, in a way similar to that of camera auto-exposure feature. It defines the amount of interesting information as the ratio of DAMON-observed access events that DAMON actually observed to theoretical maximum amount of it within each snapshot. Events are accounted in byte and sampling attempts granularity. For example, let's say there is a region of 'X' bytes size. DAMON tried access check smapling for the region 'Y' times in total for a given aggregation. Among the 'Y' attempts, 'Z' times it shown positive results. Then, the theoritical maximum number of access events for the region is 'X * Y'. And the number of access events that DAMON has observed for the region is 'X * Z'. The abount of the interesting information is '(X * Z / X * Y)'. Note that each snapshot would have multiple regions. Users can set an arbitrary value of the ratio as their target. Once the target is set, the automation periodically measures the current value of the ratio and increase or decrease the aggregation interval if the ratio value is lower or higher than the target. The amount of the change is proportion to the distance between the current adn the target values. To avoid auto-tuning goes too long way, let users set the minimum and the maximum aggregation interval times. Changing only aggregation interval while sampling interval is kept makes the maximum level of access frequency in each snapshot, or discernment of regions inconsistent. Also, unnecessarily short sampling interval causes meaningless monitoring overhed. The automation therefore adjusts the sampling interval together with aggregation interval, while keeping the ratio between the two intervals. Users can set the ratio, or the discernment. Discussion ========== The modified question (aimed amount of access events, or lights, in each snapshot) is easy to answer by both the users and the kernel. If users are interested in finding more cold regions, the value should be lower, and vice versa. If users have no idea, kernel can suggest a fair default value based on some theories and experiments. For example, based on the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), we could expect 20% target ratio will capture 80% of real access events. Since 80% might be too high, applying the rule once again, 4% (20% * 20%) may capture about 56% (80% * 80%) of real access events. Sampling to aggregation intervals ratio and min/max aggregation intervals are also arguably easy to answer. What users want is discernment of regions for efficient system operation, for examples, X amount of colder regions or Y amount of warmer regions, not exactly how many times each cache line is accessed in nanoseconds degree. The appropriate min/max aggregation interval can relatively naively set, and may better to set for aimed monitoring overhead. Since sampling interval is directly deciding the overhead, setting it based on the sampling interval can be easy. With my experiences, I'd argue the intervals ratio 0.05, and 5 milliseconds to 20 seconds sampling interval range (100 milliseconds to 400 seconds aggregation interval) can be a good default suggestion. Evaluation ========== On a machine running a real world server workload, I ran DAMON to monitor its physical address space for about 23 hours, with this feature turned on. We set it to tune sampling interval in a range from 5 milliseconds to 10 seconds, aiming 4 % DAMON-observed access ratio per three aggregation intervals. The exact command I used is as below. damo start --monitoring_intervals_goal 4% 3 5ms 10s --damos_action stat During the test run, DAMON continuously updated sampling and aggregation intervals as designed, within the given range. For all the time, DAMON was able to find the intervals that meets the target access events ratio in the given intervals range (sampling interval between 5 milliseconds and 10 seconds). For most of the time, tuned sampling interval was converged in 300-400 milliseconds. It made only small amount of changes within the range. The average of the tuned sampling interval during the test was about 380 milliseconds. The workload periodically gets less load and decreases its CPU usage. Presumably this also caused it making less memory access events. Reactively to such event,s DAMON also increased the intervals as expected. It was still able to find the optimum interval that satisfying the target access ratio within the given intervals range. Usually it was converged to about 5 seconds. Once the workload gets normal amount of load again, DAMON reactively reduced the intervals to the normal range. I collected and visualized DAMON's monitoring results on the server a few times. Every time the visualized access pattern looked not biased to only cold or hot pages but diverse and balanced. Let me show some of the snapshots that I collected at the nearly end of the test (after about 23 hours have passed since starting DAMON on the server). The recency histogram looks as below. Please note that this visualization shows only a very coarse grained information. For more details about the visualization format, please refer to DAMON user-space tool documentation[1]. # ./damo report access --style recency-sz-hist --tried_regions_of 0 0 0 --access_rate 0 0 <last accessed time (us)> <total size> [-19 h 7 m 45.514 s, -17 h 12 m 58.963 s) 6.198 GiB |**** | [-17 h 12 m 58.963 s, -15 h 18 m 12.412 s) 0 B | | [-15 h 18 m 12.412 s, -13 h 23 m 25.860 s) 0 B | | [-13 h 23 m 25.860 s, -11 h 28 m 39.309 s) 0 B | | [-11 h 28 m 39.309 s, -9 h 33 m 52.757 s) 0 B | | [-9 h 33 m 52.757 s, -7 h 39 m 6.206 s) 0 B | | [-7 h 39 m 6.206 s, -5 h 44 m 19.654 s) 0 B | | [-5 h 44 m 19.654 s, -3 h 49 m 33.103 s) 0 B | | [-3 h 49 m 33.103 s, -1 h 54 m 46.551 s) 0 B | | [-1 h 54 m 46.551 s, -0 ns) 16.967 GiB |********* | [-0 ns, --6886551440000 ns) 38.835 GiB |********************| memory bw estimate: 9.425 GiB per second total size: 62.000 GiB It shows about 38 GiB of memory was accessed at least once within last aggregation interval (given ~300 milliseconds tuned sampling interval, this is about six seconds). This is about 61 % of the total memory. In other words, DAMON found warmest 61 % memory of the system. The number is particularly interesting given our Pareto principle based theory for the tuning goal value. We set it as 20 % of 20 % (4 %), thinking it would capture 80 % of 80 % (64 %) real access events. And it foudn 61 % hot memory, or working set. Nevertheless, to make the theory clearer, much more discussion and tests would be needed. At the moment, nonetheless, we can say making the target value higher helps finding more hot memory regions. The histogram also shows an amount of cold memory. About 17 GiB memory of the system has not accessed at least for last aggregation interval (about six seconds), and at most for about last two hours. The real longest unaccessed time of the 17 GiB memory was about 19 minutes, though. This is a limitation of this visualization format. It further found very cold 6 GiB memory. It has not accessed at least for last 17 hours and at most 19 hours. What about hot memory distribution? To see this, I capture and visualize the snapshot in access temperature histogram. Again, please refer to the DAMON user-space tool documentation[1] for the format and what access temperature mean. Both the visualization and metric shows only very coarse grained and limited information. The resulting histogram look like below. # ./damo report access --style temperature-sz-hist --tried_regions_of 0 0 0 <temperature> <total size> [-6,840,763,776,000, -5,501,580,939,800) 6.198 GiB |*** | [-5,501,580,939,800, -4,162,398,103,600) 0 B | | [-4,162,398,103,600, -2,823,215,267,400) 0 B | | [-2,823,215,267,400, -1,484,032,431,200) 0 B | | [-1,484,032,431,200, -144,849,595,000) 0 B | | [-144,849,595,000, 1,194,333,241,200) 55.802 GiB |********************| [1,194,333,241,200, 2,533,516,077,400) 4.000 KiB |* | [2,533,516,077,400, 3,872,698,913,600) 4.000 KiB |* | [3,872,698,913,600, 5,211,881,749,800) 8.000 KiB |* | [5,211,881,749,800, 6,551,064,586,000) 12.000 KiB |* | [6,551,064,586,000, 7,890,247,422,200) 4.000 KiB |* | memory bw estimate: 5.178 GiB per second total size: 62.000 GiB We can see most of the memory is in similar access temperature range, and definitely some pages are extremely hot. To see the picture in more detail, let's capture and visualize the snapshot per DAMON-region, sorted by their access temperature. The total number of the regions was about 300. Due to the limited space, I'm showing only a few parts of the output here. # ./damo report access --style hot --tried_regions_of 0 0 0 heatmap: 00000000888888889999999888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 # min/max temperatures: -6,827,258,184,000, 17,589,052,500, column size: 793.600 MiB |999999999999999999999999999999999999999| 4.000 KiB access 100 % 18 h 9 m 43.918 s |999999999999999999999999999999999999999| 8.000 KiB access 100 % 17 h 56 m 5.351 s |999999999999999999999999999999999999999| 4.000 KiB access 100 % 15 h 24 m 19.634 s |999999999999999999999999999999999999999| 4.000 KiB access 100 % 14 h 10 m 55.606 s |999999999999999999999999999999999999999| 4.000 KiB access 100 % 11 h 34 m 18.993 s [...] |99999999999999999999999999999| 8.000 KiB access 100 % 1 m 27.945 s |11111111111111111111111111111| 80.000 KiB access 15 % 1 m 21.180 s |00000000000000000000000000000| 24.000 KiB access 5 % 1 m 21.180 s |00000000000000000000000000000| 5.919 GiB access 10 % 1 m 14.415 s |99999999999999999999999999999| 12.000 KiB access 100 % 1 m 7.650 s [...] |0| 4.000 KiB access 5 % 0 ns |0| 12.000 KiB access 5 % 0 ns |0| 188.000 KiB access 0 % 0 ns |0| 24.000 KiB access 0 % 0 ns |0| 48.000 KiB access 0 % 0 ns [...] |0000000000000000000000000000000| 8.000 KiB access 0 % 6 m 45.901 s |00000000000000000000000000000000| 36.000 KiB access 0 % 7 m 26.491 s |00000000000000000000000000000000| 4.000 KiB access 0 % 12 m 37.682 s |000000000000000000000000000000000| 8.000 KiB access 0 % 18 m 9.168 s |000000000000000000000000000000000| 16.000 KiB access 0 % 19 m 3.288 s |0000000000000000000000000000000000000000| 6.198 GiB access 0 % 18 h 57 m 52.582 s memory bw estimate: 8.798 GiB per second total size: 62.000 GiB We can see DAMON found small and extremely hot regions that accessed for all access check sampling (once per about 300 milliseconds) for more than 10 hours. The access temperature rapidly decreases. DAMON was also able to find small and big regions that not accessed for up to about 19 minutes. It even found an outlier cold region of 6 GiB that not accessed for about 19 hours. It is unclear what the outlier region is, as of this writing. For the testing, DAMON was consuming about 0.1% of single CPU time. This is again expected results, since DAMON was using about 370 milliseconds sampling interval in most case. # ps -p $kdamond_pid -o %cpu %CPU 0.1 I also ran similar tests against kernel build workload and an in-memory cache workload benchmark[2]. Detialed results including tuned intervals and captured access pattern were of course different sicne those depend on the workloads. But the auto-tuning feature was always working as expected like the above results for the real world workload. To wrap up, with intervals auto-tuning feature, DAMON was able to capture access pattern snapshots of a quality on a real world server workload. The auto-tuning feature was able to adaptively react to the dynamic access patterns of the workload and reliably provide consistent monitoring results without manual human interventions. Also, the auto-tuning made DAMON consumes only necessary amount of resource for the required quality. References ========== [1] [2] This patch (of 8): Add data structures for DAMON sampling and aggregation intervals automatic tuning that aims specific amount of DAMON-observed access events per snapshot. In more detail, define the data structure for the tuning goal, link it to the monitoring attributes data structure so that DAMON kernel API callers can make the request, and update parameters setup DAMON function to respect the new parameter. Link: Link: Signed-off-by: SeongJae Park <sj@xxxxxxxxxx> Cc: Jonathan Corbet <corbet@xxxxxxx> Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <akpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> --- include/linux/damon.h | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mm/damon/core.c | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 49 insertions(+) --- a/include/linux/damon.h~mm-damon-add-data-structure-for-monitoring-intervals-auto-tuning +++ a/include/linux/damon.h @@ -660,11 +660,37 @@ struct damon_call_control { }; /** + * struct damon_intervals_goal - Monitoring intervals auto-tuning goal. + * + * @access_bp: Access events observation ratio to achieve in bp. + * @aggrs: Number of aggregations to acheive @access_bp within. + * @min_sample_us: Minimum resulting sampling interval in microseconds. + * @max_sample_us: Maximum resulting sampling interval in microseconds. + * + * DAMON automatically tunes &damon_attrs->sample_interval and + * &damon_attrs->aggr_interval aiming the ratio in bp (1/10,000) of + * DAMON-observed access events to theoretical maximum amount within @aggrs + * aggregations be same to @access_bp. The logic increases + * &damon_attrs->aggr_interval and &damon_attrs->sampling_interval in same + * ratio if the current access events observation ratio is lower than the + * target for each @aggrs aggregations, and vice versa. + * + * If @aggrs is zero, the tuning is disabled and hence this struct is ignored. + */ +struct damon_intervals_goal { + unsigned long access_bp; + unsigned long aggrs; + unsigned long min_sample_us; + unsigned long max_sample_us; +}; + +/** * struct damon_attrs - Monitoring attributes for accuracy/overhead control. * * @sample_interval: The time between access samplings. * @aggr_interval: The time between monitor results aggregations. * @ops_update_interval: The time between monitoring operations updates. + * @intervals_goal: Intervals auto-tuning goal. * @min_nr_regions: The minimum number of adaptive monitoring * regions. * @max_nr_regions: The maximum number of adaptive monitoring @@ -684,6 +710,7 @@ struct damon_attrs { unsigned long sample_interval; unsigned long aggr_interval; unsigned long ops_update_interval; + struct damon_intervals_goal intervals_goal; unsigned long min_nr_regions; unsigned long max_nr_regions; }; --- a/mm/damon/core.c~mm-damon-add-data-structure-for-monitoring-intervals-auto-tuning +++ a/mm/damon/core.c @@ -615,6 +615,25 @@ static void damon_update_monitoring_resu r, old_attrs, new_attrs); } +/* + * damon_valid_intervals_goal() - return if the intervals goal of @attrs is + * valid. + */ +static bool damon_valid_intervals_goal(struct damon_attrs *attrs) +{ + struct damon_intervals_goal *goal = &attrs->intervals_goal; + + /* tuning is disabled */ + if (!goal->aggrs) + return true; + if (goal->min_sample_us > goal->max_sample_us) + return false; + if (attrs->sample_interval < goal->min_sample_us || + goal->max_sample_us < attrs->sample_interval) + return false; + return true; +} + /** * damon_set_attrs() - Set attributes for the monitoring. * @ctx: monitoring context @@ -635,6 +654,9 @@ int damon_set_attrs(struct damon_ctx *ct attrs->sample_interval : 1; struct damos *s; + if (!damon_valid_intervals_goal(attrs)) + return -EINVAL; + if (attrs->min_nr_regions < 3) return -EINVAL; if (attrs->min_nr_regions > attrs->max_nr_regions) _ Patches currently in -mm which might be from sj@xxxxxxxxxx are mm-damon-sysfs-schemes-let-damon_sysfs_scheme_set_filters-be-used-for-different-named-directories.patch mm-damon-sysfs-schemes-implement-core_filters-and-ops_filters-directories.patch mm-damon-sysfs-schemes-commit-filters-in-coreops_filters-directories.patch mm-damon-core-expose-damos_filter_for_ops-to-damon-kernel-api-callers.patch mm-damon-sysfs-schemes-record-filters-of-which-layer-should-be-added-to-the-given-filters-directory.patch mm-damon-sysfs-schemes-return-error-when-for-attempts-to-install-filters-on-wrong-sysfs-directory.patch docs-abi-damon-document-coreops_filters-directories.patch docs-admin-guide-mm-damon-usage-update-for-coreops_filters-directories.patch mm-damon-sysfs-validate-user-inputs-from-damon_sysfs_commit_input.patch mm-damon-core-invoke-kdamond_call-after-merging-is-done-if-possible.patch mm-damon-core-make-damon_set_attrs-be-safe-to-be-called-from-damon_call.patch mm-damon-sysfs-handle-commit-command-using-damon_call.patch mm-damon-sysfs-remove-damon_sysfs_cmd_request-code-from-damon_sysfs_handle_cmd.patch mm-damon-sysfs-remove-damon_sysfs_cmd_request_callback-and-its-callers.patch mm-damon-sysfs-remove-damon_sysfs_cmd_request-and-its-readers.patch mm-damon-sysfs-schemes-remove-obsolete-comment-for-damon_sysfs_schemes_clear_regions.patch mm-damon-remove-damon_callback-private.patch mm-damon-remove-before_start-of-damon_callback.patch mm-damon-remove-damon_callback-after_sampling.patch mm-damon-remove-damon_callback-before_damos_apply.patch mm-damon-remove-damon_operations-reset_aggregated.patch mm-damon-sysfs-schemes-avoid-wformat-security-warning-on-damon_sysfs_access_pattern_add_range_dir.patch mm-madvise-use-is_memory_failure-from-madvise_do_behavior.patch mm-madvise-split-out-populate-behavior-check-logic.patch mm-madvise-deduplicate-madvise_do_behavior-skip-case-handlings.patch mm-madvise-remove-len-parameter-of-madvise_do_behavior.patch