+ lib-test_maple_tree-add-testing-for-maple-tree-fix-2.patch added to mm-unstable branch

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The patch titled
     Subject: test_maple_tree: add tests for preallocations and large spanning writes
has been added to the -mm mm-unstable branch.  Its filename is

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From: Liam Howlett <liam.howlett@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: test_maple_tree: add tests for preallocations and large spanning writes
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 14:19:40 +0000

Add test cases to ensure preallocaion works.

Add more tests for spanning writes which alter tress with many levels
and covers more corner cases.

Link: https://lkml.kernel.org/r/20220615141921.417598-4-Liam.Howlett@xxxxxxxxxx
Signed-off-by: Liam R. Howlett <Liam.Howlett@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <akpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

 lib/test_maple_tree.c |  277 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 277 insertions(+)

--- a/lib/test_maple_tree.c~lib-test_maple_tree-add-testing-for-maple-tree-fix-2
+++ a/lib/test_maple_tree.c
@@ -35537,6 +35537,275 @@ static noinline void check_root_expand(s
+static noinline void check_prealloc(struct maple_tree *mt)
+	unsigned long i, max = 100;
+	unsigned long allocated;
+	unsigned char height;
+	struct maple_node *mn;
+	void *ptr= check_prealloc;
+	MA_STATE(mas, mt, 10, 20);
+	mt_set_non_kernel(1000);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated == 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 1 + height * 3);
+	mas_destroy(&mas);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated == 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 1 + height * 3);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	mas_destroy(&mas);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated == 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 1 + height * 3);
+	mn = mas_pop_node(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_allocated(&mas) != allocated - 1);
+	ma_free_rcu(mn);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	mas_destroy(&mas);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated == 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 1 + height * 3);
+	mn = mas_pop_node(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_allocated(&mas) != allocated - 1);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	mas_destroy(&mas);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 0);
+	ma_free_rcu(mn);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated == 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 1 + height * 3);
+	mn = mas_pop_node(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_allocated(&mas) != allocated - 1);
+	mas_push_node(&mas, mn);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_allocated(&mas) != allocated);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	mas_destroy(&mas);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated == 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 1 + height * 3);
+	mas_store_prealloc(&mas, ptr);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_allocated(&mas) != 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated == 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 1 + height * 3);
+	mas_store_prealloc(&mas, ptr);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_allocated(&mas) != 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated == 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 1 + height * 3);
+	mas_store_prealloc(&mas, ptr);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated == 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 1 + height * 3);
+	mas_store_prealloc(&mas, ptr);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_allocated(&mas) != 0);
+	mt_set_non_kernel(1);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL & GFP_NOWAIT) == 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 0);
+	mas_destroy(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL) != 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated == 0);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 1 + height * 3);
+	mas_store_prealloc(&mas, ptr);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_allocated(&mas) != 0);
+	mt_set_non_kernel(1);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_preallocate(&mas, ptr, GFP_KERNEL & GFP_NOWAIT) == 0);
+	allocated = mas_allocated(&mas);
+	height = mas_mt_height(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, allocated != 0);
+static noinline void check_spanning_write(struct maple_tree *mt)
+	unsigned long i, max = 5000;
+	MA_STATE(mas, mt, 1200, 2380);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	mtree_lock(mt);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, NULL, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 1205);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_walk(&mas) != NULL);
+	mtree_unlock(mt);
+	mtree_destroy(mt);
+	/* Test spanning store that requires a right cousin rebalance */
+	mt_init_flags(mt, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	mas_set_range(&mas, 0, 12900); /* Spans more than 2 levels */
+	mtree_lock(mt);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, NULL, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 1205);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_walk(&mas) != NULL);
+	mtree_unlock(mt);
+	mtree_destroy(mt);
+	/* Test non-alloc tree spanning store */
+	mt_init_flags(mt, 0);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	mas_set_range(&mas, 0, 300);
+	mtree_lock(mt);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, NULL, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 15);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_walk(&mas) != NULL);
+	mtree_unlock(mt);
+	mtree_destroy(mt);
+	/* Test spanning store that requires a right sibling rebalance */
+	mt_init_flags(mt, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	mas_set_range(&mas, 0, 12865);
+	mtree_lock(mt);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, NULL, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 15);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_walk(&mas) != NULL);
+	mtree_unlock(mt);
+	mtree_destroy(mt);
+	/* Test spanning store that requires a left sibling rebalance */
+	mt_init_flags(mt, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	mas_set_range(&mas, 90, 13665);
+	mtree_lock(mt);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, NULL, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 95);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_walk(&mas) != NULL);
+	mtree_unlock(mt);
+	mtree_destroy(mt);
+	/* Test spanning store that requires a left cousin rebalance */
+	mt_init_flags(mt, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	mas_set_range(&mas, 46805, 49995);
+	mtree_lock(mt);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, NULL, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 46815);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_walk(&mas) != NULL);
+	mtree_unlock(mt);
+	mtree_destroy(mt);
+	/*
+	 * Test spanning store that requires a left cousin rebalance all the way
+	 * to root
+	 */
+	mt_init_flags(mt, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	mas_set_range(&mas, 32395, 49995);
+	mtree_lock(mt);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, NULL, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 46815);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_walk(&mas) != NULL);
+	mtree_unlock(mt);
+	mtree_destroy(mt);
+	/*
+	 * Test spanning store that requires a right cousin rebalance all the
+	 * way to root
+	 */
+	mt_init_flags(mt, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	mas_set_range(&mas, 38875, 43190);
+	mtree_lock(mt);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, NULL, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 38900);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_walk(&mas) != NULL);
+	mtree_unlock(mt);
+	mtree_destroy(mt);
+	/* Test spanning store ending at full node (depth 2)*/
+	mt_init_flags(mt, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	mtree_lock(mt);
+	mas_set(&mas, 47606);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, check_spanning_write, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 47607);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, check_spanning_write, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 47608);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, check_spanning_write, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 47609);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, check_spanning_write, GFP_KERNEL);
+	/* Ensure the parent node is full */
+	mas_ascend(&mas);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, (mas_data_end(&mas)) != mt_slot_count(mas.node) - 1);
+	mas_set_range(&mas, 11516,48940);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, NULL, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mtree_unlock(mt);
+	mtree_destroy(mt);
+	/* Test spanning write with many many levels of no siblings */
+	mt_init_flags(mt, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);
+	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
+		mtree_test_store_range(mt, i * 10, i * 10 + 5, &i);
+	mas_set_range(&mas, 43200, 49999);
+	mtree_lock(mt);
+	mas_store_gfp(&mas, NULL, GFP_KERNEL);
+	mas_set(&mas, 43200);
+	MT_BUG_ON(mt, mas_walk(&mas) != NULL);
+	mtree_unlock(mt);
+	mtree_destroy(mt);
 static noinline void check_null_expand(struct maple_tree *mt)
 	unsigned long i, max = 100;
@@ -37679,6 +37948,14 @@ static int maple_tree_seed(void)
 	mt_init_flags(&tree, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);
+	check_prealloc(&tree);
+	mtree_destroy(&tree);
+	mt_init_flags(&tree, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);
+	check_spanning_write(&tree);
+	mtree_destroy(&tree);
+	mt_init_flags(&tree, MT_FLAGS_ALLOC_RANGE);

Patches currently in -mm which might be from liam.howlett@xxxxxxxxxx are


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