Hi, Here are a few patches to ensure the GIC counter is running before we attempt to use it since the default value on a MIPS core can be '1' which means the GIC counter will be stopped after a CPU reset. These patches are based on 4.0-rc1. Markos Chandras (3): irqchip: irq-mips-gic: Add new functions to start/stop the GIC counter clocksource: mips-gic-timer: Ensure GIC counter is running MIPS: Malta: malta-time: Ensure GIC counter is running arch/mips/mti-malta/malta-time.c | 4 +++- drivers/clocksource/mips-gic-timer.c | 3 +++ drivers/irqchip/irq-mips-gic.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++ include/linux/irqchip/mips-gic.h | 2 ++ 4 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) -- 2.3.3