If anyone is interested I have created the complete original kernel
source trees for the v1.0.2, v1.1.0 and v1.2.0 firmware releases on the
ERLite-3. They were made from the following components:
* Cavium SDK 2.0.0 - free download from <cnusers.org>
* git tag ''
* GPL.ERLite-3.v1.0.2.4507738.tbz2 - free download from <ubnt.com>
* source/kernel_4503552-gcc4cdf7.tgz
* source/cavm-executive_4493936-g009d77b.tgz
* GPL.ER-e100.v1.1.0.4543695.tbz2 - free download from <ubnt.com>
* source/kernel_4539683-g7b3312f.tgz
* source/cavm-executive_4539683-g6868fcf.tgz
* GPL.ER-e100.v1.2.0.4574253.tbz2 - free download from <ubnt.com>
* source/kernel_4567941-g0568484.tgz
* source/cavm-executive_4567941-gcc0028b.tgz
git repo: git://git.linux-mips.org/pub/scm/sjhill/linux-sjhill.git
branch: erlite3-2.6
tags: erlite3-v1.0.2, erlite3-v1.1.0, erlite3-v1.2.0
I also created a 'arch/mips/configs/erlite3_defconfig' config file to
make things easier. I can confirm that using the 'erlite3-v1.0.2' tag my
built kernel worked perfectly with my ERLite-3, since it has not had a
firmware upgrade yet. All the existing modules including the proprietary
ones worked. However, do not mix kernel and firmware versions if you are
going to build the kernel from source. Special thanks to An-Cheng Huang
for his help and answering all my questions.