Kspd is executing syscalls from inside kernel space, something that is fraud with all sorts of problems as identified by Al and anyway, executing syscalls from kernel space has been something that's been frowned upon if not deprecated for a long time. Al may want to elaborate on the issues but suffice to say it's not pretty. So I'm wondering, is anybody still using kspd? Much of kspd's knowledge of the ABI on the client processor (which might not even be based on SDE!) should vanish along with the use of syscalls. If somebody wants to reengineer kspd I think I'd favor a userspace daemon that just uses a small kernel communication facility (think of a pipe or socket) for communication unless somebody finds a good argument (performance?) against that. Or and I'd be perfectly fine with that, we could just nuke the bloody thing. I receive no feedback on it which makes me assume that nobody's using it so I'm all in favor for the nuclear solution. Ralf