Re: Converting MIPS to Device Tree

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ä 2011å06æ06æ 09:07, Ralf Baechle åé:
Over the past few days I've started to convert arch/mips to use DT.  So
far none of the platforms (except maybe PowerTV?) seems to have a
firmware that is passing a DT nor is there any 2nd stage bootloader that
could do so.

So as the 2nd best thing I've been working on .dts files to be compiled
into the images.

I've put a git tree of my current working tree online.  It's absolutely
work in progress so expect to encounter bugs.;a=summary (Gitweb)
should be git://

tonyliu@tonyliu-laptop:/opt/git-root$ git clone git:// dt-linux_mips
Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/git-root/dt-linux_mips/.git/
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
tonyliu@tonyliu-laptop:/opt/git-root$ git clone git:// dt-linux_mips
Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/git-root/dt-linux_mips/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 2448486, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (446507/446507), done.
Receiving objects: 0% (14786/2448486), 5.26 MiB | 7 KiB/s
Receiving objects: 0% (18463/2448486), 6.56 MiB | 12 KiB/s
Receiving objects: 2% (67572/2448486), 24.25 MiB | 11 KiB/s
Receiving objects: 100% (2448486/2448486), 611.83 MiB | 309 KiB/s, done.
remote: Total 2448486 (delta 2040537), reused 2388725 (delta 1982106)
Resolving deltas: 100% (2040537/2040537), done.
Checking out files: 100% (36749/36749), done.

Tony (brief documentation&  links)

An incomplete to do list:

   o Sort out interface for firmware to pass a DT to the kernel.  Because we
     have so many different firmware implementations this one might get a
     slight bit interesting.
   o Interface to select one of several builtin DT images.  I am thinking of
     extending the existing MIPS_MACHINE() / machtype mechanism to play
     nicely with DT.
   o Finish and test AR7, Cobalt, Jazz, Malta, MIPSsim and SNI ports.
   o Convert the remaining platforms; find if it's actually sensible to
     convert all platforms.
   o I'm considering to make DT support a requirement for future MIPS
     platforms so you might as well start beating your firmware monkeys /
     ask Santa to put you a shiny new bootloader blob into the boot now.
   o Write more of the required infrastructure.
   o Write documentation

Contributions and comments welcome,


Tony Liu | Liu Bo
WIND RIVER | China Development Center
Tel: 86-10-8477-8542 ext: 8542 |  Fax: 86-10-64790367
(M): 86-136-7117-3612
Address: 15/F, Wangjing TowerB, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R.China

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